Chapter Three

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My heels clicked as I walked onto the lite stage. Desperate men cheered and whistled loudly, their voices feeling the air.The lights slowly turned red as the slow music began. I opened my eyes and slowly sway to the music. My hips were in time to the rhythm, as I hypnotized the crowd. As the bass dropped, I fell into a split.

The dollars started to fly.

I grabbed the pole as I rolled my body against it, getting out of my split. The loud clicks of my heels filled the air as I walked to the edge of the stage. I slowly and seductively got onto my knees. The men new what was about to happen so they began to cheer louder. I used my hands so emphasis my breast and I slowly made my way to my bra clip. I gave my long blond hair a whip as my black lace bra fell onto the floor.

Bills and bills fell onto the stage in appreciation. I got on all fours to emphasis my bottom as I arched my back, my butt going in the air. Men were placing bills in my thong and giving my butt a slap. Soon I popped my legs out, so that I was halfway standing with my butt in the air. I slowly stood up straight and walked to the pole. I started climbing and spinning down the pole. The music slowly dimmed down as I winked and blew the crowd a kiss.

They were all cheering and on their feet as I collect the money of the wide stage. I ran of stage as the dj said "Give it up for Spice!" The crowd roared, chanting my stripper name.


"Are you sure you don't wanna do privates?" My boss, Greg, asked me. "Everyone is asking for you, willing to pay hundreds."

"I'm okay, sir. Goodnight." I said leaving Pink Kitten.

I've been working as a stripper for two months now and hate it. It does pay good money, though. I don't have much money for food, so I am still small. Some would consider me thick. I am the number one girl and did three shows, earning around three-hundred from each. I didn't understand why men cherished me so much, but it paid the bills. I only worked three nights every week, so if you do the math, you can see I earn good money.

I moved out my hotel room and into a one bedroom apartment. The rent was $1,600 a month so I was fine. I would sadly be the size of a whale soon, so I was saving up. My life at the moment wasn't so bad. I was somewhat stable.

All of this didn't fill the hole in my heart though.

I was an empty soul nowadays. My life was a routine and I was a robot. I had no family and zero friends. The girls at the club hated me because of my success and Greg only wanted my body. I'm pretty sure I'm his only employee who hadn't slept with him.

When I reached my apartment building, I made my way to my room. Once there, I collapsed. I dragged myself to bed not bothering to get dressed.


When I woke up I just wanted to go back to bed. The sound of my stomach made me sigh getting up.

I frowned at my fridge. I only had cereal, milk, and bread. I made myself a bowl of cereal as I watched the news. They were talking about how successful a local hotel business became in just ten years. They went from one small motel to 348 hotels across the globe. I chuckled as a picture of the hotel I use to stay in appeared.

I soon turned the tv off and got ready for the grocery store. I had my hair curled down, feeling pretty today, with a blue dress on that complimented my eyes. Slipping on some black sandals, I was out the door.


The bus doors opened up at the grocery market and I soon got out. Walking in, the air conditioning cooled my skin. I pulled out a cart and made my way down the aisles.

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