Chapter Three: Dark Dreams

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Hades woke with a gasp as his eyes shot open, and wondered around the room. It was unfamiliar to him, which caused him to panic. He tried getting up, but an arm around his torso was keeping him from doing so.

"What the?.." realization finally hit him once he remembered what he had done last night.

Jack Veil was the last man he had seen last night, and now he would possibly be the first man Hades would see in the morning. 

To afraid to look and see if it was true, he instead carefully removed the arm from his bare torso. Hades then hurried to put on his clothes. As soon as possible he wanted to get away from the place.  

His eyes caught a glimpse of the sleeping man, it was true that he had spent his night with Jack. Hades sighed, picking up his black long sleeved shirt from the ground and putting it on quickly.

Cuts from the cannibal's sharp nails went down his back, making him wince in pain, as the fabric made it sting by rubbing against it. Dark purple patches covered his neck that would be almost impossible to cover.  

How am I going to explain this..? Was the first thought that came to his mind. The real problem was the sleeping beauty behind him. Not only was Jack possibly planning on killing the man for his blood and flesh, but he would hold this little night against him. Hades was a problem for the vampire, because Veil knew if he was being watched, he couldn't commit the murder he has been dying  to do for years. 

It was obvious the man wasn't sane, even Hades knew better than to believe it. But in the eyes of the cold hearted killer, he could see that there was some good in Jack.   

The young man let out another sigh before leaning down, and softly kissing Jack's cheek. Now he would be off, back to the hospital where all his fellow workers would question the hell out of him. Oh joy.. 


 "Out banging some whores again, huh Hades baby? How dare you cheat on me" teased his friend Dax.  

"Oh shut it, you claim to be heterosexual, so why would it matter?" Hades rolled his eyes at his friend's fake hurt expression.  

"Well someone is grumpy this morning" spoke Dax "Speaking of mornings, where did you wake up this one?" Dax poked the hickeys on Hades's neck. 

Quickly Hades slapped his hand onto the side of his neck, to cover up the bruises.  

"In your mum's bed, that's where" Hades grinned and started to walk down the halls.  

"Whatever asshole" growled Dax as he followed Hades. 

Everyday the two friends would walk down the halls of the hospital to check on the patients. The reason for this was to make sure that they wouldn't be doing anything they weren't suppose to. But that was highly unlikely, what's the worst they could do besides sit there and stay quiet? 

Well of course not all would stay quiet though. Some would mumble to themselves and walk around their room. Other than that they were all in there own little world. That wasn't so bad, but rules are rules.  

Suddenly they came across Jack's old room. Scratches from the killer's claws marked up the frame of the door, and the door itself.  A couple of cracks in the wall from Jack repeatedly hitting his head against it remained from the first two weeks he spent there.  

"God, I still have the memory of when they first brought that thing here" said Dax and he walked into the room. Hades raised an eyebrow, his friend giving him a questioning look.  

"That thing is a human, his name is Jack" the man knew his friend would be like all the others. They all would be stuck in the dark past of the town's killings. Always would they think of Jack as nothing more than a 'Thing'. No one would care if he had changed or not because in their mind says, 'Once a killer, always a killer'.  

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