Chapter Seven

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  Hades awoke that morning to a view he could only dream about. Long, delicate lashes rested on pale cheeks. A soft, whisper of a snore escaped past light pink lips. Carefully his hand reached over to stroke his fingers upon one of those cheeks, brushing off the draping dark hair that fell over the other's forehead. The sunlight shimmered through the cracks of the curtains, shining down on the sleeping beauty, perceiving him as the very saint Hades saw him to be. And as stunning as this magical, dream-like scenery was, it was nowhere as beautiful as the sleepy bedroom eyes that fluttered open as the touch of Hades' warm palm. He glided it over the side of the man's face with a smile.

"Good morning," He spoke in a quiet tone.

The other yawned, scooting closer towards the warmth of his human heater. Hades chuckle as he wrapped his arms tight around his shivering saint, still smiling as he kissed the top of his head.

Peaceful singing of birds chirping near the bedroom window. The softness and warmth of the blanket covering them. All was good in the little world they had created. Hades couldn't help but sigh in content as he relaxed in the comfort of another's arms.

That was of course before the atmosphere itself all changed in a drastic, deadly turn.

No longer did he feel that sense of warmth and security that he once had. Instead the air grew thin and cold, as the world around him suddenly went dark. New feelings of fear and sheer terror had left Hades completely vulnerable in that moment of darkness.

He could see his own breath as he panted while searching for any source of light around him. Panicked, alone and very much afraid, it was clear that something was not at all right. In fact a chill had run cold down Hades' spine. His mouth went completely dry with the anxiety that something was behind him watching his every move. He desperately tried to swallow back the urge to coware back into the darkness, and slowly turned with his eyes squeezed shut.

Part of him had known what would be there when his eyes opened. It begged and pleaded that this dream-gone-nightmare would just end and he would awake from it all, but he knew that it wasn't going to happen. That was because the other part of him had wanted to see what was there when he opened his eyes. But regardless of either feeling, he had no choice but to see what the darkness had in store for him. That was, a deep dark red seeping down over a pale, smooth canvas. A red covered tongue licking over crimson coated lips that pulled over wolf-like teeth in a deep, rumbling snarl.

Hades felt his stomach twist in knots, along with a lump forming in his throat, robbing him of the ability to speak, or even scream for that matter. His whole body shook and his hand began to tingle when witnessing a pair of blazing green eyes staring back at him. A smirk had formed of those bloody lips, one so smug and cunning that even the devil himself would be so jealous.

Hades felt as if he was going to faint. The world around him began to spin. Everything was beginning to blur except for the glow of those captivating, piercing green eyes.

"Hades..Hades.." He had heard off in the distance. Yet he did not comprehend the call of his name, nor did he realize how close it really was. All he focused of were those eyes that were now too, starting to fade.

"Hades...Hades!" The voice called again. This time Hades was able to hear it clearly as a force came in contact with the back of his head. "Wake the hell up you piece of crap! It's work time not drool time!" Daxton had yelled, giving the teen another whack on the head with his notebook.

Hades grumbled as he rolled around in his bed. He turned onto his side, reaching over to the empty space beside him. With a frown, he opened his eyes to see that no one was there. The coldness of the sheets were a dead give away as well. Hades sighed and rolled back over onto his back to stare up at the ceiling.

"Rough night?" Dax asked, noticing the disappointment on his friend's face.

Hades shook his head and sat up, taking the cup of coffee that Dax had offered him. The heat of the beverage soothed the dryness in his throat, and helped cure the rasp he knew it'd have on cold mornings like this.

"What time is it?" He asked, still in a groggy tone.

"Almost nine. Your ass better be up and showered by ten or I'll get in there and do it for ya," Dax joked, taking back to cup and drank from it.

Hades groaned and threw himself back onto the bed. "Ugh, why can't you just cover for me? I don't feel being an adult today."

Dax grinned. "Well, you're not an adult anyways. You're more like an overgrown man baby in my opinion."

Hades kicked his legs at the other, to which Dax just laughed and backed away.

"Come on. Get up and get showered. Once you get moving, you'll feel better. I'll be back to check up on you so your ass better be ready by then," Dax threatened, giving Hades one of his 'fatherly' looks as he made his way out of the teen's room.

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