Chapter Five: If I could speak the words

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Hades was on a walk through town. He was going no where particular, just a stroll to clear his mind. That was almost impossible though. He couldn't stop thinking about his darkest desire. How much he wanted to hold his vampire in his arms. 

He wasn't the only one that wanted that though. Little did he know, Jack too had some feelings for Hades. It was something he had never felt before. This feeling of love, he only had it for his sister. But now it was different because the killer felt it for another man.

It was not likely for the two to ever have a normal relationship. Jack was hated and feared by the town. As for Hades, they would all look at him like he was just as insane as Jack.

Hades let out a sigh as he continued on walking, but suddenly stopped once he heard the sound of a guitar being played. Looking around for the cause of it, all he could see was a small crowd of people. They all surrounded the source of the music, but keeping their distance.  

The words of the song were forgen to them, including Hades. Yet the person singing it had the voice of an angel. 

 "Wenn Worte meine Sprache wären. Ich hätt dir schon gesagt in all den schönen Worten. Wie viel mir an dir lag. Ich kann dich nur ansehen. Weil ich dich wie eine Königin verehr. Doch ich kann nicht auf dich zugehen. Weil meine Angst den Weg versperrt.." 

Curiously he walked towards the music, and made his way through the whispering crowd. There sat Jack on a wall, strumming a guitar in his hands. His performance had brought a crowd around him. It was obvious why. No one has ever heard the voice of Jack, let alone hear him sing.     

"Mir fehlen die Worte. Ich hab die Worte nicht. Dir zu sagen was ich fühle. Ich bin ohne Worte. Ich finde die Worte nicht. Ich hab keine Worte für dich.."

Loudly the man sang, closing his eyes as he strummed harder.    

"You are the memory of ease, which I still have not gained!" he began to sing in English "The first sunbeam after the long rain! You are the one who finds me..when I have lost myself in my thoughts and when everything is quiet, then your voice is there..." 

Tears were now making their way out of the singing man's eyes. Hades took a step closer, being the only one to notice them. The others were to lost in the music being played by what seems to be an insane human being. No one would of thought a creature like Jack could feel such emotions.  

"Ich weiß es dir zu sagen wär nicht schwer. Wenn Worte meine Sprache wären. Dir ein lied zu schreiben wäre nicht schwer. If I could speak the words..." he ended the song with one last final strum. 

The crowd was silent as they all stared at the vampire. Hades then carefully took the guitar from the man's hands, and help him down. Jack looked around him, his eyes were slightly wide. He had been so lost in the song, that he didn't realize the people he had attracted, including his blue eyed beauty. 

"Get me out of here please?" asked Jack in a small voice. Hades nodded, grabbing Veil's hand and quickly getting him away.

People eyed the two men walking hand in hand together. Jack kept close to Hades' side, his head down the whole way to the apartment his saviour lived in.  

As they walked inside they got a few looks and stares. Some even ran back inside and locked their doors. This pissed Hades off but it didn't seem to bother Jack, so he let it go.  

"Are you okay?" He asked the man staring out the window. 

Veil looked at him with an unphased expression on his face. His eyes however, were full of pain that screamed he was dying inside. 

"Jack I want you to tell me whats going on.."  

"Warum interessieren Sie sich?.." Jack spoke slowly, "Why do you care?" 

Hades stood silent. That was a good question, why did he care about the monster? He killed a man his best friend cared about. He killed many people in the sickest way any person can do. But yet Hades was drawn to Jack, like the same way he was attracted to his ex.  

It brought tears to his eyes just to think of him. He looked down not being able to speak. Jack's eyebrows scrunched inwards. He came closer to the sad man, and used his thumb to wipe away fallen tears. 

"It seems like we both have a story to tell" Jack said.

"Mine isn't as important..." Hades mumbled.

"It's not important or is it just to painful to speak about?" asked the killer, pointing to Hades' tear stained cheeks.  "How do you know if my story isn't 'important'?" 

"It's turned you into this Jack don't you see it?"  

"Acorrding to the hospital, I am a sane man" Jack replied, a smirk trying to make it's way onto his lips. 

"That's bullshit, do you know that?" he raised his voice a bit, clearly getting annoyed.  

"People are full of bullshit, you're just figuring that out now? The society is built on stupid labels would you like me to deminstrait?" Jack said as he opened the window and stepped out the balcony. 

"Jack get back in here!" yelled the man inside as if he was talking to a child that done wrong.

Already a crowd was forming. People whispered to one another in question of what the mad man was doing.  Jack stepped closer to the edge, without a single trace of fear on his face. He ignored Hades, who was begging him not to do anything stupid.  He knew what he was doing. 

"Jack no!" cried Hades as he grabbed onto Jack's hand. 

The crowd gasped, thinking that the man was to fall to his death. Not one of them thought he would be saved. 

Quickly Hades pulled Jack back inside and shut the window. He glared him with clenched teeth. 

"What the hell was that!?" He snapped. 

"Example of labels, which I have now been set to another one" the vampire grabbed his guitar and started strumming. 

"You're fucking insane Jack" Hades shook his head and sat down beside him.

"Am I really or is that just another label everyone goes by?" He continued on with the intro to the song he played before. 

Quietly he hummed the tune to himself, hitting the strings gently. Hades sighed, watching his desire play the musical intrument.  

Jack hummed along with the melody, leaning into his man's chest.

They could never be together, he thought. The vampire could not speak his feelings directly to Hades, in fear of what might happen. How it killed him to not  just tell him what he was feeling inside. Sighing, the man looked up to see that his music had put Hades to sleep. 

"Mir fehlen die Worte..Words fail me.." he sang quietly. 


Crappy Chappy 

I needed to update it and this song that Jackson 'sings' in the story was stuck in my head. It seems like it would match how he's feeling so I though why not throw that in there? The song is on the side if you wanna know what it sounds like<3 

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