Beneath the Surface of the Smile

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Aiza stood in front of the mirror, her reflection a facade of calm composure

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Aiza stood in front of the mirror, her reflection a facade of calm composure. The world outside saw her smile, but beneath the surface of that smile, turmoil raged—a storm of emotions, memories, and desires that she had buried deep within. Her heart had become a battlefield, torn between her past with Raahil and her present with Karan. Each smile she offered the world was a mask, hiding the broken pieces of herself that she was too afraid to confront.

The scars of her past relationship lingered, invisible to everyone except her. Raahil had left a deep wound, one that time had not fully healed. His manipulation, his toxic love, had seeped into her soul, and though she had walked away from him, the shadow of their relationship still lingered in her heart. Raahil had once made her feel alive, passionate, and adored, but he had also suffocated her, wrapping her in a web of possessiveness that slowly strangled her spirit. Now, with Karan, things were different—better, softer, more loving—but the damage had been done. She couldn’t trust fully, not even him.

Karan, on the other hand, was everything Raahil hadn’t been—gentle, patient, and deeply understanding. He loved her in ways that didn’t seek to control or possess, but to uplift and cherish. Yet, for all his tenderness, there was something unsettling that Aiza couldn’t shake. It wasn’t Karan’s fault; it was hers. The ghost of Raahil whispered in her ear every night, reminding her of the wild, dangerous love they had shared. Sometimes, she missed it. The thrill, the toxicity, the pain that had become her normal. It was hard to admit, even to herself, but the intensity of Raahil’s love had left a mark on her—a mark that Karan’s gentleness struggled to erase.

As she stood in front of the mirror, her thoughts drifted back to Raahil’s final words. “You’ll never forget me, Aiza. No one will ever love you like I did.” His voice, haunting and seductive, echoed in her mind. Even now, his grip on her heart hadn’t fully loosened. She didn’t want to believe him, but a part of her wondered if he was right. Would she ever feel that same intensity again, or was she destined to live in the shadow of their past?

The rain fell in heavy sheets outside, the kind of rain that made the world feel small and closed off. Aiza and Karan were in his apartment, the dim light of the room casting long shadows on the walls. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken words, the weight of what they weren’t saying hanging between them like a veil. Karan watched her from across the room, his eyes filled with concern and love. He knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know how to reach her. Aiza’s walls were too high, too fortified by the pain of her past.

 Aiza’s walls were too high, too fortified by the pain of her past

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