The Price of Healing

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"Healing is not about moving on, but learning to live with the pieces you've lost."

Aiza stood by the window, the light of dawn casting faint shadows over her room. Her heart still echoed with the remnants of the confrontation she’d had with Karan. She had torn through him with words sharp enough to wound, but deep down, she knew that she wasn’t just punishing him—she was punishing herself.

Karan had tried, in his own way, to reach her. His love was a beacon she couldn’t allow herself to embrace, not after everything that had happened. Not after Raahil. A part of her still bled for the man she had spent years with, a man who had torn her apart just as much as she had him. The heartbreak she had suffered was now a scar she couldn’t hide, not from herself, not from anyone who dared to come too close.

But with Karan, things were different. He wasn’t the shadow of Raahil. He was something else—something genuine, dangerous in a way she hadn’t anticipated. His love wasn’t possessive or manipulative, but it was intense, relentless, a force that felt too much like salvation. And that frightened her because salvation meant vulnerability, and vulnerability meant pain.

She couldn’t handle more pain.

The moments after Raahil's exit had been a void—an abyss that swallowed Aiza whole. She’d filled that emptiness with distractions, meaningless hookups, desperate attempts to regain the power she felt she had lost. Men came and went, each one leaving a mark on her skin but never on her heart. That was locked away, buried so deep beneath the debris of what Raahil had done to her that she couldn’t even feel it anymore. Lust was easier than love; it required no commitment, no promises, and no risk of betrayal.

But Karan… he was something else.

He didn't want just her body. He craved her soul, the part of her she had forgotten how to give. And that terrified her.

One night, as the silence grew heavy, Karan pushed through her defenses once more, his messages persistent but laced with concern. She knew he sensed her pulling away again, but this time, something in her shifted. Perhaps it was the way he worded his feelings, or maybe she was just exhausted from running. But she found herself typing back, fingers trembling as she hit 'send.'

"I can’t give you what you want, Karan. I’m not whole anymore. I’m not even a person you should love. I’m broken, and I don’t know how to fix it."

The silence that followed was deafening. For a moment, she thought he wouldn’t respond, that maybe her words had been the final push he needed to leave her for good. And that would have been easier, right? She wanted him to walk away, wanted him to realize she wasn’t worth the effort.

But his reply came.

"You’re not broken. You’re just healing, Aiza. And healing has a price, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be whole again."

The days passed, the tension between them growing like a storm on the horizon. Karan had become the embodiment of everything she was running from—commitment, stability, love. It would be so easy to lose herself in him, to let him be her saving grace. But she couldn't let herself be saved. Not again. Not like before.

And yet, every time she looked at him, saw the way his eyes softened when they landed on her, or the way his voice dropped when he spoke her name, she felt herself unraveling.

Late one night, after hours of restless thoughts, Aiza found herself walking through the rain to his apartment. She stood in front of his door, soaked, unsure why she was even there. Maybe she wanted closure. Maybe she wanted to tell him to leave for good. Or maybe, just maybe, she wanted to see if he would still want her when she laid all her demons bare.

When Karan opened the door, he didn’t say a word. He just stepped aside, letting her inside, his gaze understanding in a way she wasn’t used to.

She shivered, not from the cold but from the anticipation of what was to come. And without thinking, she kissed him.

The kiss was raw, a mixture of desperation, fear, and need. It wasn’t tender or sweet. It was a battle—a fight for control, for dominance. But as his hands cupped her face, his touch gentler than she deserved, something inside her cracked open.

They stumbled toward the bedroom, their clothes a trail of forgotten burdens. The way he held her felt different, unlike the passionless encounters she had grown used to. With Karan, it wasn’t just lust—it was love, the kind that seared her soul and left her gasping for breath.

But as the night faded into dawn, and they lay tangled together, reality began to set in once more. The weight of her past pressed down on her, a reminder that she didn’t deserve this—didn’t deserve him.

Aiza’s nightmares were always the same—visions of Raahil, of the way he had made her feel both loved and trapped, cherished and suffocated. His ghost haunted her every waking moment, and even now, as Karan lay beside her, she could feel Raahil’s presence in the room, a lingering shadow that refused to leave.

"I can’t keep doing this," she whispered into the darkness, her voice barely audible. Karan stirred beside her, his arm instinctively tightening around her waist.

"Doing what?" he murmured, his lips brushing against her shoulder.

"Pretending like I’m okay."

There was a long silence, the kind that stretched out and filled the room with unspoken words. Finally, Karan spoke, his voice low and steady.

"You don’t have to pretend with me, Aiza. I don’t need you to be okay. I just need you to let me in."

And there it was. The thing she had been dreading. Letting him in meant surrendering her control, exposing the fractured parts of herself that she had worked so hard to hide. It meant admitting that she wasn’t as strong as she pretended to be.

But healing had a price, and perhaps this was it. Letting go of the walls she had built, allowing someone else to bear the weight of her brokenness.

She closed her eyes, her breath hitching in her throat as Karan’s fingers traced the curve of her spine.

"I’m scared,"she confessed, her voice trembling.

"I know," he replied softly. "But I’m not going anywhere."

Days turned into weeks, and slowly, the layers of their relationship deepened. Karan was patient, never pushing her beyond what she could handle. Their nights were filled with passion, but there was something deeper in their connection now—a sense of trust, of safety.

But healing wasn’t linear. There were moments when the darkness returned, when Aiza found herself pushing him away, convinced that she didn’t deserve the love he offered so freely. She still couldn’t shake the memory of Raahil, the way he had made her feel both invincible and powerless at the same time.

One night, as they lay in bed, Aiza turned to Karan, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Do you ever think I’ll be enough for you?"she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Karan’s eyes softened as he looked at her, his hand brushing a stray strand of hair from her face.

"You’ve always been enough, Aiza. You just don’t believe it yet."

And maybe he was right. Maybe the price of healing wasn’t about fixing what was broken, but learning to live with the cracks, to embrace the pieces of herself she had lost along the way.

"The hardest part of healing isn’t the pain—it’s accepting that the scars are a part of you now."

To be continued...

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