Crepusculum Academy: Introduction

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This is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the author. Plagiarism is a crime.


The story is written in an epistolary format.

For those who aren't familiar with epistolary, it is a literature genre written in the form of letters or any other documents in the perspective of the character/s, which can also be exchanged with each other and/or multiple characters. (e.g. diary, journal, letters, emails, chats, etc.) In this case, the story is mainly written in email form.

Crepusculum Academy is only an academy by name. It is, in fact, a university that offers a diverse course to students. To avoid any confusion, please keep that in mind. Although there's a history as to why it became like that, it will more likely not be tackled in this book. Please understand that using this literary genre, I am limited as to how much I can convey the whole story given that the characters are communicating through emails. Rest assured that there will be no confusion in the main plot points, I'll try my best to avoid that for easier reading experience.

Be respectful. I want everyone to enjoy the experience of reading the story the same way that I enjoy writing it. While doing so, I hope that everyone respect the story, the writer, and each other. Let's all make this a safe space for everybody. Thank you.



The story contains strong language, disturbing scenes and themes that may not be suitable for some people. Readers discretion is advised.


If you want to talk about this story in any social media platforms, you can do so! Please use the following hashtags, so that I can easily see your reactions! I love reading so you can go wild haha!

#CrepusculumAcademyMusings for thoughts, comments, and reactions
#CrepusculumeanMemes if you find something funny, memes, and corny jokes haha
#CrepusculumAcademyMasterpiece for sharing any art masterpieces!
#CrepusculumAcademyGeneral for any concerns that wasn't specified above

PS. Don't mind the book cover, I just don't have the time to edit a proper one. I SWEAR T^T Papalitan ko siya soon :)


For everyone who are doing their best to survive their silent and loud battles everyday, whether in school, in work, or in life.

This one's for you.

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