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- Trial Room Troubles -

"Mrs. Nair, why don't you let her try this one, and we'll go search for some other dresses," your mom suggested, her eyes scanning the racks for more options. With a nod of agreement, Mrs. Nair led you towards the fitting rooms, a new sense of hope kindling as you anticipated trying on a different style.

As they ventured off in another direction, the bustling shop enveloped you in a world of fabrics and colors, each dress holding the promise of a unique story waiting to be told.

Krish entered the bustling shopping mall, driven by a desire to uplift his mom's spirits. "What has to be done for mother's love," he mused softly, a reflection of his deep affection and concern for her happiness.

With a determined stride, he made his way into the gown shop, scanning the area for Mrs. Mehra, the familiar face he sought. Pausing near the trial room, a sense of anticipation mingled with impatience as he questioned aloud, "Where are they?" The echoes of his words reverberated in the air, a testament to his unwavering commitment to ensuring his mom's joy, even in the midst of a bustling shopping expedition.

You were struggling to tie the knot of your wedding blouse, a tinge of frustration evident in your sigh as you attempted to conquer the stubborn fabric. With a sense of resignation, you cracked the door open slightly and extended your hand outwards, seeking your mom's assistance. "Mom, can you please help me?" you implored, the vulnerability in your voice echoing your plea for support.

Meanwhile, Krish, observing the scene, raised his eyebrows in amusement, muttering to himself, "Crazy woman," as he prepared to depart.

However, before he could make his escape, you swiftly grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the room. Ignoring his bewildered expression, you repeated your plea to your mom for help, completely engrossed in the task at hand. Krish's eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld your bareback, a momentary loss for words as he stuttered, "Wha-ahhh... umm," trying to process the unexpected turn of events unfolding before him.

You spun around to face him, ready to give him a piece of your mind when he suddenly pressed his palm firmly against your lips, his eyes locking intensely with yours, the air thick with unspoken words. "Shhh," he whispered, his touch sending a jolt of unexpected electricity through you, a mix of tension and anticipation simmering between you. His closeness made your heart race, his breath grazing your face, igniting a fire of conflicting emotions within you.

"You again, kid," he murmured, his voice low and husky, a hint of a challenge in his tone as you felt a surge of desire mingling with the tension in the air. In a daring move, you met his gaze head-on, the playful defiance in your eyes giving way to a moment of raw, unspoken connection as you slowly bit down on his palm, a silent invitation to a dance of emotions and desires that lingered in the charged space between you.

"Shut up!! How did you come inside?" you exclaimed, a mix of surprise and irritation evident in your voice as you questioned his sudden appearance.

"You pulled me in," he retorted, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he recalled the unexpected tug that had brought him into the room.

"I thought you're my mom," you confessed, a touch of embarrassment coloring your cheeks at the mistaken identity. "Do I look like your mom? Dumb kid," he whispered sharply, a playful tease laced with a hint of exasperation. "What? Dumb kid? Who are you then, old Uncle?" you fired back, a spark of defiance in your tone as you met his glare head-on, the challenge clear in your gaze.

His intense stare made you gulp hard, a mixture of apprehension and defiance swirling in the charged atmosphere between you both, each word and glance adding layers to the tension and intrigue of the moment.

His phone rang, ''yes? Hmm okay," he answered, his attention momentarily diverted as he took the call, the sound breaking the charged atmosphere between you.

Just as he was about to leave, a sudden "..ahh" escaped you, a groan of pain as you realized your hair had gotten tangled in his watch, causing a sharp tug that made you wince.

"Shit!!" he cursed under his breath, a mix of frustration and concern evident in his voice as he hurried to assist you in releasing your hair from the unexpected entanglement.

The momentary mishap added a touch of unexpected closeness and vulnerability to the charged exchange, highlighting the dynamic interplay of tension and connection between you both.

"Oi, it's all your fault, you dumbo!" he exclaimed, a mix of mock seriousness and humor in his tone as he playfully blamed you for the tangled mess. Your intense glare met his teasing gaze, creating a comical yet charged atmosphere in the trial room.

Just then, your mom's voice boomed from outside, "Smaira, what's going on? Come out now!" The sudden interruption made your eyes widen in disbelief, and Mrs. Mehra's concerned voice added to the chaotic scene.

"Mom," Krish whispered, his eyes comically wide, mirroring your surprise. In unison, you both blurted out, "So it's you!!" The mix of humor and seriousness in the situation inside the cramped trial room turned into a hilarious yet slightly tense moment of realization.

To be continue...

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