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- The Trial Room Tango -

"So it's you!!" You both exclaimed simultaneously, the shared realization hanging in the air. Krish let out a sigh before gently pulling back from you, his expression serious. "Listen here, kid, I don't need any drama. Just distract them so I can make my escape," he whispered urgently, his eyes darting towards the door. You nodded in understanding, ready to play your part in this unexpected trial room escapade.

"O-okay, b-but can you help m-me please," you stuttered, feeling a bit awkward in the unusual situation. Krish glanced at you, a hint of curiosity in his expression. "Help?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in mild surprise at your request.

You gestured towards the knot on your blouse, silently indicating where your predicament lay. With a resigned sigh, Krish stepped closer, bending slightly to reach the troublesome thread.

Taking it in his hands, he skillfully began to tie it up, his movements deliberate and precise. After a moment, he cleared his throat, announcing, "Done, now go," signaling for you to make your exit from the trial room.

You slowly creak open the door, stepping out into the room where your mom awaits. Her eyes light up as they fall upon your wedding lehenga, a stunning ensemble adorned with intricate golden embroidery cascading down the rich crimson fabric. "Ahh, this is perfect," your mom exclaims, her joy palpable as she envelops you in a warm embrace.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Mehra, overcome with emotion, whispers to herself, "Perfect bride for my son," her words filled with maternal pride. You manage an awkward smile, the weight of the situation dawning on you as you suddenly remember Krish's predicament.

"Oh, no, Mom, what's that?!" you blurt out, pointing dramatically in the direction of a nonexistent distraction, causing them all to turn their heads in confusion, momentarily diverting their attention from the trial room and giving Krish the chance to slip away unnoticed.

"What?" Your mom asks, still peering in the direction you pointed, a puzzled expression on her face. "There, see, nicely," you quickly interject, attempting to divert their attention away from the trial room.

Seizing the opportunity you created, Krish swiftly exits the trial room, his movements swift and calculated as he makes a beeline for the pala where dresses were neatly arranged. With a sense of urgency, he ducks and weaves, skillfully slipping between the vibrant array of dresses, finding a hidden spot to conceal himself temporarily as he waits for the commotion to settle.

Seeing him getting out of the trial room successfully, you sigh in relief, ''Thank God,'' you mumble under your breath. ''Yah! There's nothing,'' your mom exclaims, her voice filled with reassurance as you rub the back of your neck in embarrassment. 'Mmm, maybe it was my hallucination,' you mutter, feeling a bit sheepish as they all exchange looks of disbelief.

''Leave it, just look at the dress, I think we should finalize this one,'' Mrs. Mehra suggests with a warm smile, redirecting the focus back to the beautiful dress before you, signaling a positive step forward in the wedding preparations.

Krish, who was hidding, nearly jumped out of his skin when the seller woman unexpectedly gave him a friendly pat on the back. "Ahh... oh... umm, hi," he stammered, trying to act cool but failing miserably. "Umm, hello, sir, do you need something?" the seller woman inquired, her smile as bright as a disco ball.

Krish, feeling like a deer caught in headlights, cleared his throat theatrically and attempted a heroic pose, "No-no, I came with them," swiftly cutting off any further conversation as he made his way towards the direction where you all were standing, hoping to blend back into the group seamlessly.

"Mom!" Krish's voice echoed through the room, catching Mrs. Mehra off guard with his sudden entrance. "Ohh! Krish, when did you come? Leave it, meet Smaira and her mom," Mrs. Mehra exclaimed, trying to mask her surprise at his unexpected arrival.

Krish greeted his mom warmly before turning to Smaira's mom, "Glad to meet you, ma'am." "Mrs. Mehra, your son is too handsome. I'm happy that he's going to be my son-in-law," his mom praised, causing you to playfully roll his eyes at the exaggerated compliment.

"Smaira, go change, okay? We'll go have dinner now," Mrs. Mehra instructed, to which you nodded agreeably, already envisioning the upcoming family dinner and the inevitable entertaining conversations that would follow.

To be continue...

  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  Where stories live. Discover now