04 • The Attack Declaration

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Tenebria - Square

On the 36th day of the fifth month of the Avalorian calendar in the year 331, the nation met a new face of its history. In the square where the king had declared war a while before, a new speech was called by the monarch. Me, Eimin and Lunim, were there listening to one of his guards.
«Dear Avalorians, descendants of the King (we were not really his descendants, but he liked to call us so, as if we derived from him), today, once again, we are in front of his majesty.»
Accompanied by shouts and applause, the figure of the king looked out onto the balcony. The bastard screamed:
«Glory to Avaloria!»
Those sheep who were his "descendants" answered:
«Avaloria, Husc!» In chorus. The three of us remained silent. He then began his speech:
«Avalorians. My descendants. My infallible citizens. It's been a little more than a month since the declaration of war. Tomorrow is the big day!»
«Avaloria, Husc!» They answered.
«Today the soldiers, who have offered their hearts for the good of this nation, will complete their training course and tomorrow we will be ready to attack Cromelia with part of the army of Metikia and Mestinia on the front of Nordalia.» The king continued.
«Avaloria, Husc!»
«Do not fear, Avalorians, the victory is already in our hands. Cromelia is a small nation, as are the others (in fact, Aostra, for being a continent, is really small) and has no allies on the continent of Aostra, once again, let me feel your warmth, raise our anthem.» He turned his head and arms to the sky, spreading them wide, the others cried:
«Avaloria, Husc!»
Proud of his speech, he turned around, still accompanied by any kind of celebration, went inside his palace.
The citizens were free to return to their homes, I, with Lunim and Eimin, went to the nearby tavern.


«Just like Shipher said. The predictions were right. We were right to trust him, we will have to reward him.» Lunim said. He was right. But I had no intention of rewarding him, after all, what I wanted to do was not a personal purpose.
«It is the least if he wants to live in a normal country under the leadership of a man who is not a bastard. When I will be ruling this country, he will have already had his reward.» I answered, perhaps exaggerating a little. After all he did an excellent job.
«How bad you are, brother. I will reward him. I'll make something up.» Said Eimin. To her mind, this phrase sounded good, but to the mind of any man, it did not.
«No. There is no need. I do not know what an old man can ask as a favor to a young girl, and, honestly, I do not even want to know. He would be happy to help the Nustiers' children, that's all.» I replied, avoiding misunderstandings. Eimin blushed a little and went to the bathroom. Lunim, as if he was waiting for her to leave, said to me:
«Goldora, what do you want to do with your sister? You have to stay rational. If you die, what will happen to her?»
I had considered this possibility, but never had the courage to look It directly to find a solution. The only thing I wanted was that it didn't happen.
«Lunim, I do not know if I will survive, but I know for certain that you will not die, it will be you, in case I die, to take care of her. If it happens, take her away from here, where she can live quietly.» Besides Eimin, Lunim is the only person I could trust, he was the only one to whom I had revealed my true intent.
«And why can't you do it now?» he asked me, leaving me in a daze.
«What guarantee would I have that the place where I take refuge is free from battles...?» I replied a little hesitantly. Indeed, it was not what I really thought.
«Goldora, we know each other better than we know ourselves. Tell me the truth.» He told me.
I hesitated for a moment, but he was right, I couldn't keep it all inside:
«My sister, Eimin, has already suffered too much injustice. We lost our parents, she had to learn how to become a woman while she was still a child. I don't want to disturb her any more. I want her to live in the same place she grew up, and no one will impose rules against her. I want to be the one to command, I want to command so that she can live in serenity, with her children. Lunim, it's a selfish desire, but that's what I feel, help me to realize it.»
He looked at me, and with his eyes gave me a positive answer. After all, my sister and I were also a great piece of life for Lunim, he would never abandon us to our fate without trying to stand with us.


We returned home, everyone to his own, deciding to prepare for the next day. I had no big plans for the day before the battle, so I tried to think a little about what might happen. Cromelia was still a whole state, and Avaloria was sending less than half of his army. I didn't know how Cromelia would defend himself, but they would probably send most of their army. Both nations were small, and could be travelled in less than a day by carriage. From what Shipher had told me, I knew that the soldiers of Avaloria, for this battle, would be in total 20,000 men. We could not have known how many the Cromelians would counter, but, from our political informant, I knew that their army numbered about 35,000 men. It would have been difficult for me and Lunim to choose the right moment to get into battle, but I was sure we could. I did not see Eimin, I would have liked to say goodbye, but I did not find time, shortly we should have left with the carriage. I left a note on the table, but I wouldn't have disappeared like my parents.


Point of view - Eimin

I went out without being seen. Not that I had anything special to do, I was waiting for the moment when they would leave home in a carriage. From what I understood, they would have taken one with many wagons, would not be the only ones to use it. I would try to get in a wagon away from them, so they couldn't see me. Positioned where they wanted, I would have come down without being seen, waiting for their move. To be honest, I felt a little scared at the time, but I would not have been able to back out after all my efforts. I would have helped my brother and Lunim.

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