Chloe's POV
Me and Ella furrow our brows watching Jake shovel his lunch down. "Jake, that's gross!" Ella yell when he shows all the food in his mouth. "Dad, don't laugh! It's disgusting."
"Jake, stop being weird."
He pulls a childish face at me and Ella for getting him in trouble but we just roll our eyes at how immature he can be. "Can I ask Beca to come over?" I ask my parents who both just murmur a 'yes', they don't actually care when she comes over because she's always respectful but I still ask just in case.
I pull out my phone and call my girlfriend, turning up the volume so I can eat at the same time. After a minute or so Beca picks up with a groan. "Mm?"
"Dya wanna come over later?"
I narrow my eyes trying to hold back a giggle. "Bec, it's two in the afternoon. There's no way you're still asleep."
The reply I get is a grunt along with a groan. "I'm not, I'm smoking and I didn't feel like taking the cigarette out of my mouth also I can't come over right now cause me and Stacie are about to go out. I felt like getting a new piercing or something and I wanna get a new tat so yeah, I'm dragging Legs along with me."
"What you getting tattooed?"
"Don't know yet, probably just something stupid. Maybe lyrics from a song or a flower maybe... Hmm." I just laugh because by the end it just seems like she's talking to herself. "Anyway for piercings I'm getting a double tragus on one side and a double rook on the other."
"No clue what any of those are but it sounds cool."
"Eh, anyway I'm gonna go cause I can hear Conrad downstairs. I love you."
I grin hearing that but my sister ends the call before I can say it back. "When did that happen!?" Ella asks, I look at her confused. "'I love you'!?"
I shrug, laughing at her shocked expression. "A couple of weeks ago. We were at the lake and she kind of just blurted it out, I have some photos upstairs from that day." Ella smirks standing up and running upstairs.
I roll my eyes following her to my room and grabbing the photos off my desk. The first picture is of our faces smushed side to side and Beca trying to reach me with her tongue, the next is one she took of me just laying there in my cheerleading kit staring at the lake. There's another one of Beca twerking which we both laugh at.
My sister puts the photos down and dives on my bed. "I'm glad Beca treats you well." She says and I grin, I'm happy that my family can also tell how good Beca is to me. "You deserve to be happy Chlo."
"She's the best. She's written songs about me." I admit and her eyes go wide. "I've only seen one of them but she said I will eventually see the rest."
"That's adorable- oh hey Aubrey."
We both laugh at her falling onto my bed. "Your girlfriend has stole my girlfriend."
"Yeah, Beca's going to get another tattoo and some new piercings."
"Ew, she doesn't need any more of those ear monstrosities."
For some reason Bree has something against Beca's style but it's quite funny when they bicker over it. "I think they're hot especially when we're having sex and I-"
"TMI CHLOE!" Ella and Aubrey both yell, covering their ears.
———Aubrey screams, trying to grab the side of the bed when Ella pushes her off. The door opens and both Beca and Stacie walk in, laughing at the blonde. "Oo lemme see the tattoo!"

The new girl - Bechloe
Фанфик⚠️Trigger Warning: This may contain topics of suicide, violence, SA, mental health, self harm and more!⚠️ I understand that a lot of people don't want to read stuff like that/include it in their story's but in my case I have struggled with my menta...