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Its been A week since I officially became Princess To the Nightfurries and I've been Quietly unwell for the entire time. I frowned as I saw my mate speaking to the King and approached with bended Neck and said Forgive me for intruding my king, but I need a moment to speak to my mate. I smiled as my mate immediately became attentive and said What troubles you my love? I shifted to face him and said mate I have deceived you. I blushed as he growled and said you what? I hung my head knelt as the strength of his anger directed me to do. I frowned and said mate I am unwell since our bond was consummated I have been nauseous and unsteady. I blushed as I felt his anger immediately disapate into fear and concern as he began looking over my body checking for wounds and signs of illness. I blushed and turned over revealing my slightly swollen belly and said mate i believe the issue to be here rubbing my belly. I blushed as he let out a Deafening call and blushed as several servants rushed forward to tend to me and froze as I heard someone call the queen! I swallowed and looked up into my mates eyes looking past the surface of his overprotective concern and saw suspicion. I frowned and whispered mate you know what is bothering me do you not? He shifted and said I have a pretty good idea. I blushed and said care to share? He sighed and said we'll need the queen to confirm my suspicions but I believe you will lay eggs soon. I froze as I felt the Queen's presents and watched as the servants scattered driven away by the Queen's command. I blushed as She sniffed at my neck growled and said you are pregnant and should lay eggs in two weeks time have there been any Nesting behavior you noticed in your mate? I froze as Toothless hung his head ashamed and said apologies my Queen i have failed my mate in that regard as I have busied myself with other matters and neglected to monitor her needs. I frowned and spoke my queen what my mate fails to communicate is that I have made every effort to hide my behavior for the past week I have been actively searching for a spot of comfort and gathering things to build a nest but I have yet to display those for my mmmmm mate to notice. I shifted as my mate said it is not on you to display those behaviors in front of me. It is the job of the mate to notice when his dragoness displays those behaviors and seeks solitude. I frowned and looked into his eyes and saw sorrow and leaning towards him whispered kiss me mate i need attention. I smiled as he kissed me firmly and whispered i promise you never again will my duty to you falter. I smiled and whispered

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