The Day Life Begins

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I frowned as I was sitting staring out over the ocean and froze as I heard my  village's town horn. I sighed and shifted as I got Eligible maiden to report to the  Great Hall for the prince even though I knew how unlikely it was the orders where for every Eligible maiden and lad to be in the H
Great Hall by lunch time for a  special royal visit. I sighed and walked into the  Great Hall and took my place beside my Father Cheif Stoick the Vast. I frowned and looked down as I  felt the  regal and overwhelming presence of the prince coming into the room and blushed frozen as I heard him growl Meer inches from me and heard What is your name beautiful. I shifted as I felt his claws lifting my chin tenderly as I stated  My name is Hicca  my lord. I smiled as he chuckled and said you are the one I've searched for step forward. I blushed as I  took a step forward and blushed as he growled and bites my shoulder before turning to my father and growling I will be leaving with my mate in a weeks time however as she is your  hatchling she deserves the choice of where to settle after she is officially mine. I smiled as my father nodded and made the announcement zoning out as I examined my mate and blushed as he chuckled and whispered seductively you like? I shivered and said every girl in berk can see you are the hottest strongest most amazing mate ever. I blushed as he growled dissatisfied and said I do not care if other girls  mate they have nothing to you and your beauty. I blushed and said I'm not that beautiful. I froze as he growled angrily and pulled me closer and said listen to me You are beautiful love whoever said you weren't is a lieing kiniving brute who doesn't see the value of a  good heart and powerful soul. I blushed as I felt my insecurities beginning to rise a and spotted out every abusive and demeaning thing I'd ever heard about myself and froze as he snarled pinned me to hid chest and said who says these things about you? I frowned and turned pale seeing the murderous eyes of the teens  in the hall and whimpered burried my face into his chest. I frowned as my father in a loud and angry tone demanded I answer. I froze and  shakily point to the village teens before their glares of you wait Your dead caused me to shrink into myself. I frowned as my mate  glared daggers at my father and said why have you not intervened if your hatchling has been bullied? He  shifted and said I wasn't aware of it but now that I am they will be punished. I nodded and whispered into his ears it's so much more than words shifted pulling out of his arms and said  Father clear the hall it's about time you learn. I shifted as my father clearly and angrily shouted out the lot of you!! I smiled as every villager scrambled to obey the orders of their chief and shifted as I said  mate there is so much more than words that have inflicted wounds with your permission I can show you what I mean. I smiled as he  nodded his head and waited. I blushed as I removed my gown revealing the bruises and the damage done by my idiot cousins r**e. I shifted as my mate snarled and said who has touched you! I shifted and said no one has ever consensually had me however as it is clear now one as r**Ed me. I frowned and shifted as I looked at my father and said you'll recall your orders for all Virgin to remain so. My father nodded not liking where I was heading  with my story. I shifted and said and you'll recall that I went to the woods with my cousins. I frowned as dad pieced it together and said yes you're getting it he didn't want to talk he was forceful and Brutish in his betrayal and as for you turning to my mate I do not wish to remain. I frowned as he stepped forward and said this transgression will not go unpunished Stoick while I will not punish it is clear you should but know this should I find out no punishment was handed out dragons will cease defending your waters. I frowned and looked at my father got dressed and said  No my prince I ask you to deal with the r**e as my father is Unlikely two hold the perpetrator sufficiently responsible. I smiled as my mate nodded  growled and said bring in the r**ist. I smiled as  Snoutlout came in nervously and smiled as my mate  picked him up by the throat and  threw him to the ground and gave him a taste of his own. I blushed and looked away finding no comfort in my mates punishment of Snoutlout. I blushed as  Snoutlout ran out crying about how  hurt he was and felt absolutely no remorse. I frowned and looked down and said  my prince this is my gift to you. I blushed and sang

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