Homecoming - Part 1

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One week (or even two) had passed away, and a few things changed within me.

I made new friends, I'm doing good with my school notes, I finally adopted a pet and she's adorable, I'm slowly getting closer to my drama club friends and I finally feel embraced, a part of the group!

Specially with Carlos, Seb, Nini, Ashlyn and Ricky. Even Miss Jenn!

Although I think it's a little weird a teacher being friends with students, but she's also Carlos' godmother, so... Whatever.

And I decided that I'm going to do something that's on my list and that I've been waiting since... forever: invite someone or be invited to the Homecoming dance.

For some reason, my first option is Ricky. If he doesn't accept, I have a plan B: invite Nini. If she doesn't accept too, I have a few other options, or even not. But there's no problem on trying in the first time, like my therapist always said.

So for the case I stutter between my words, I wrote everything on a little paper towel (please don't ask me why) in my hands.

Right now, we're rehearsing a little dance break with Carlos and Gina, who differently from the last weeks, didn't get a difficult choreography for us. I guess it's the Homecoming spirit.

Ricky and Nini are getting better on the moves, and while I mess up some of them, I'm still having fun and taking it seriously.

- Okay, guys, this is amazing! And that's everything for today! - Carlos says. - Everyone can go home!

- Wait! - Seb says. - I need to talk to you, Carlos. Can you please teach me those steps again?

- O...Of course, Seb.

- Good luck, lovebirds! - I whisper to them as Carlos gets his tongue out to me.

I just laugh through the door as I walk away.

Ricky is walking toward his locker to let some books in.

OK, Juliette, you can do this. It's just a few words, not a big deal. You can do it, you want it, be brave.

I breathe deeply and walk straight forward.

- Hey!

- Hey, Ju! - he greets me, locking up his locker.

- I just... Wanted to make a question for you. Um... I know there's still a few days left, but, hmm...

I think my heart is beating stronger than anything by now. No, no, no, no, no...
But what if he refuses? What if he walks away, impatiently?

- IWANTEDTHATYOUCOULDTAKEMETOHOMECOMING! - I finally say, but then I realize...

What the f***?! Where is my f*****g paper when I need it the most?!

- Um... I didn't get it.

- Well, I... Said that I wanted to ask you... to take me... to the dance.

I exhale, exhausted. Why am I like this, God?

- Oh.

- But it's okay if you don't want to, you've probably got a pair to go with you, and I don't want to be too insisting or spacey enough to you, because I don't know social cues or anything like that, but I can recognize a refusal face when I see one, and... And...

A pause. This was unbelievably cringe enough.

- I got to go. Bye.

I start to walk away as fast as I can until...

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