My fav chapter

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Before I start I'm just putting my favorite chapter in. This one is more of a weight gain heavy one. It's the 14th chapter... Context isn't important.

Chapter 14: Obsessions and Confessions

As the days passed in their hotel sanctuary, Louis found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. At first, he'd brushed aside the thrill he felt when he noticed Harry's body filling out. It was a strange mix of attraction and something deeper— an obsession he hadn't fully acknowledged until now. The sight of Harry's softer curves, the way his jeans hugged him a little more snugly, stirred something within Louis that he couldn't ignore any longer.

Harry had been hesitant about his changes, often flinching at comments Louis made, but deep down, Louis adored it. Every inch that Harry gained felt like a testament to his recovery, a sign that he was finally taking care of himself. Each time Harry indulged in a snack or let Louis feed him, it ignited a fire in Louis that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was a rush—watching Harry eat, witnessing the pleasure on his face, the way his eyes lit up at the simplest of treats.

Louis tried to temper his excitement, aware that it could hurt Harry, but as he watched Harry grow more comfortable in his skin—despite the inner turmoil—he felt a swell of possessiveness. He wanted to celebrate Harry's body, to shout from the rooftops about how beautiful he was becoming. But he also knew he had to tread lightly.

One evening, as they lounged in bed after a late-night snack run, Louis glanced at Harry, who was munching on a piece of cake, and the sight made his heart race. "You know, I think you look amazing," he said, trying to keep his voice casual, but there was an edge of sincerity behind it.

Harry paused mid-bite, looking up at Louis with wide eyes. "Really?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah, Really." Louis couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face. "I mean it. You've been looking healthier lately, and honestly? I love the way you're filling out. It's like you're growing into yourself."

Harry's cheeks flushed, but there was an uncomfortable twist to his expression. "I don't know, Louis. I—"

"No, hear me out," Louis interrupted, leaning closer. "I'm not saying you should change or anything. I just think you look beautiful. And you should embrace it." He watched Harry's reaction, hoping to see something other than discomfort.

"I just... I don't know how to feel about it," Harry confessed, looking down at the half-eaten cake in his hand.

"Let me help you," Louis said, his voice lowering to a soft, inviting tone. "Let me feed you. Just let go a little, Harry. Trust me.".

Harry hesitated, the weight of Louis's gaze on him making it hard to breathe. A part of him wanted to say yes, to lean into the intimacy of the moment. But the other part was still scared, haunted by the remnants of his past and the habits he was still trying to shake off.

Louis sensed the struggle within Harry and shifted his approach. "You can enjoy this, you know? It doesn't have to be a bad thing. Just let me be here for you. Let me take care of you." The way he said it was almost possessive, a mix of desire and need that made Harry's pulse quicken.

With a deep breath, Harry finally nodded, albeit uncertainly. "Okay," he said softly, his heart racing. "But... just for tonight."

Louis grinned, a triumphant glint in his eyes as he leaned closer. He took the cake from Harry's hands, placing it on the bedside table, and cupped Harry's face gently, their foreheads touching. "Just relax," he murmured before leaning in to kiss Harry softly.

As they kissed, Louis felt the heat of desire coursing through him. There was a palpable tension between them—both sexual and emotional—that had been building for days. Harry's softness, the way he had surrendered to Louis's touch, ignited something deep within Louis, awakening a hunger he hadn't fully recognized before.

Larry Stylinson ~ addiction recoveryWhere stories live. Discover now