+~Singing Battle~+

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A/N: I'll ad the Bold - English and Normal - Korean soon just wait 

You lean against the kitchen counter, arms crossed and a mischievous grin spread across your face. Jeongin's back is turned to you, rummaging through the fridge, and you see the perfect opportunity to strike. "I'm telling you, I could've nailed that high note way better than you did," you declare confidently, flicking a grape at him.

Jeongin spins around, catching the grape mid-air with an impressive swipe. He narrows his eyes at you, unamused. "Really? You're still on about that?" He rolls his eyes dramatically, like he's had this conversation a thousand times before. And, to be fair, he probably has.

"Yep," you reply cheerfully, popping a grape into your mouth. "It's not my fault you sound like a dying goose whenever you try to hit those high notes."

His jaw drops, and for a moment, you think he might actually be speechless. But Jeongin being Jeongin, he quickly recovers, crossing his arms with an exasperated sigh. "You can't be serious, Jalin. You sounded like a cat getting strangled last time you tried to hit that note."

You snort. "Oh, please. At least I hit the note. You cracked so hard I thought the mirror was going to shatter!"

"Oh, you did not just say that!" Jeongin's eyes widen in disbelief, and he points a dramatic finger in your direction. "You take that back, right now!"

"Make me," you taunt, leaning in just enough to challenge him. You know exactly how to push his buttons, and the way his face flushes a light pink tells you that you're doing a fantastic job.

The other members, who have been lounging in the living room, watching some variety show, turn their attention to you two, fully aware that yet another twin bickering session is unfolding. Chan lets out a heavy sigh but can't hide the small smile tugging at his lips. "Here we go again..."

"Jalin, can't you give it a rest for once?" Seungmin calls out lazily, head resting on his hand. "You know you're just going to wind him up, and then we'll have to listen to you two for the next hour."

"No way!" you protest, raising your voice a bit to make sure Jeongin hears every word. "This is a matter of pride! If I don't prove that I can hit that high note better than him, who will?"

Jeongin snorts. "You mean if you don't keep pretending that you're the better singer when we all know the truth? You're just jealous because I'm the superior twin."

You gasp, clutching your chest dramatically. "Superior? In what universe?" You step closer to him, poking his chest with each word. "I'm the one who's got all the talent, all the looks, and all the charm."

"Oh, here we go," Hyunjin mutters from the couch, pulling his hood over his head as if that might block out the noise. "This is going to be good."

"Looks?" Jeongin scoffs, staring at you incredulously. "Please, I'm five minutes older. That means I'm five minutes more experienced in looking this good."

"Yeah, and those five minutes were spent crying louder than any other baby in the hospital," you shoot back, crossing your arms in triumph. "Everyone thought I was the quiet, well-behaved one."

"That's because you were too busy sleeping to cause any trouble!" Jeongin retorts, flicking your forehead gently. "You're still the baby around here, no matter how much you try to act tough."

You swat his hand away, refusing to let him have the last word. "Maybe, but I'm the one who always gets the youngest perks," you counter, waggling your eyebrows. "You're just jealous because I still get away with everything, and you don't."

"Yeah, because you always pull the 'I'm five minutes younger' card!" Jeongin exclaims, clearly frustrated now. "You know what? Fine, let's settle this right now. Singing battle, no excuses."

Your eyes light up. This was exactly what you were hoping for. "You're on," you say, pointing to the speaker in the corner of the room. "We'll let the others be the judges."

"Are we really doing this?" Felix asks, glancing around at the other members. "Because if we are, I'm putting my money on Jalin this time."

"Traitor," Jeongin mutters under his breath as he grabs his phone, scrolling through the playlist until he finds the song that started this whole argument.

The opening chords of the song fill the room, and Jeongin takes a deep breath, ready to prove once and for all that he's the superior singer. You wait, arms crossed, watching as he hits every note with precision, his voice strong and clear. You have to admit, he sounds pretty good, but there's no way you're going to let him know that.

As the last note fades, you step forward, taking your turn. You close your eyes, letting the music guide you, and when you hit that high note—perfectly, you might add—you see Jeongin's expression shift. He's impressed, even if he'd never admit it out loud.

When you finish, there's a moment of silence, and you can see the gears turning in Jeongin's head. He opens his mouth to say something, but before he can, Chan claps his hands loudly. "Okay, that's enough. You're both great. Can we please just watch TV now?"

"But who won?" you demand, turning to face the others, who all look like they'd rather be anywhere else.

"Honestly?" Hyunjin says, stretching lazily. "You both sound the same to me."

"Same," Seungmin agrees, nodding. "Can we move on now?"

You and Jeongin exchange a look, and for once, you agree on something: these guys have no taste.

"Well," Jeongin finally says, shrugging, "I guess we'll just have to call it a tie."

"A tie?" you repeat, feigning outrage. "I don't think so. I'm obviously the winner here."

"In your dreams," Jeongin fires back, but there's no real heat in his words this time. It's all in good fun, and you can't help but smile at him.

"Admit it," you say, nudging him with your elbow. "You're lucky to have me as your twin."

He rolls his eyes but smiles back. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Just wait until the next battle," you warn, already planning your next move. "I'm not going easy on you."

Jeongin chuckles, shaking his head. "You never do, Jalin. You never do."

And with that, you both settle back into your usual roles, content in the knowledge that while the bickering may never end, neither will the bond you share.

(word count 1068)

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