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You and Seungmin had been dating for two months, but with eight other guys in the dorm—Bang Chan, Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Changbin, Lee Know, and Han—it felt like finding alone time was almost impossible. The dorm was always full of noise, laughter, and the occasional battle over who got to control the TV or what everyone was going to eat for dinner.

One evening, while you were sitting on the couch, watching the chaos unfold around you, Seungmin leaned over and whispered, "Wanna go on a date tonight?"

You raised an eyebrow, half-wondering how you'd pull it off without the others noticing. "Do you actually think we can actually sneak out?"

Seungmin grinned, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Trust me, they'll be too busy arguing about food to even realize we're gone."

You glanced over at the rest of the guys. Lee Know and Changbin were locked in a heated debate over which pizza toppings were the best, and Bang Chan looked like he was two seconds away from giving up on the whole thing. Hyunjin and Jeongin were sitting on the floor, scrolling through their phones, and Felix was in the kitchen, probably snacking on something before dinner even arrived.

"Okay," you said, smiling. "Let's do it."

You and Seungmin casually slipped off the couch and grabbed your jackets, sneaking out the front door like two spies on a secret mission. Once you were outside, you both burst into laughter, the cold evening air hitting your cheeks.

"Wow," you said, shaking your head. "I can't believe that worked."

"Me neither," Seungmin laughed. "But hey, it's nice to escape for a bit."

You walked hand-in-hand down the quiet street, the buzz of the city around you but far enough away to feel peaceful. It was just the two of you, no interruptions, no noise—just a perfect evening. The café Seungmin had picked was one you both had been to a couple of times before. It was cozy and warm inside, with soft lighting and small tables scattered around. The kind of place where you could just relax and enjoy each other's company.

"Let's sit by the window," Seungmin suggested, pulling you gently toward a booth that gave you a perfect view of the street outside.

You settled into the booth, and a waitress came over to take your order. "What are you thinking?" Seungmin asked, looking at the menu.

"I think I want something.... sweet," you said, eyes scanning the desserts section. "Maybe cake."

Seungmin nodded in agreement. "Same. Let's get that double chocolate cake. And drinks—hot chocolate?"

"Perfect," you agreed with a grin.

After placing your order, the two of you started talking about everything and nothing at the same time. You joked about the dorm's never-ending chaos, like how Changbin had been trying to convince everyone to start a new workout routine that nobody wanted to follow, or how Lee Know had hidden Hyunjin's favorite snacks just to mess with him.

When your drinks and cake arrived, the conversation paused for a moment as you both dug into the rich, chocolatey dessert. It was delicious, the kind of cake that made you close your eyes for a second because it was just that good.

"So," you asked between bites, "what made you think of sneaking out for a date tonight?"

Seungmin smiled softly, leaning back in his seat. "Honestly? I just missed having time with you, without the guys constantly making noise in the background. Plus, I know how much you love this café."

You felt a warm flutter in your chest but kept things cool. "Well, it's definitely better than hearing them fight over which buldak it spicer again, and other random stuff."

Seungmin chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure they could argue about nonsense for hours. We probably saved ourselves from a full-on war."

You laughed, imagining the chaos that was likely still unfolding back at the dorm. After you finished the cake and your drinks, you lingered for a while, just enjoying the peacefulness of the café. The street outside was softly lit, and you could see a few people walking by, their footsteps quiet on the sidewalk.

"I like this," you said after a while. "Just us."

Seungmin nodded, his eyes soft as he looked at you. "Me too."

As much as you didn't want the night to end, you knew you had to head back eventually. The two of you left the café and started the short walk back to the dorm, your hands brushing against each other before Seungmin grabbed yours again. The night air was cool, but it wasn't uncomfortable, and the streetlights cast a soft glow around you as you walked side by side.

When you reached the dorm, you paused at the door, glancing at Seungmin. "Think they noticed we're gone yet?"

He smirked. "Nah. They're probably still arguing about what movie to watch after dinner."

You laughed and opened the door, stepping inside to find the dorm just as chaotic as when you'd left. Lee Know was standing in the kitchen, screaming for fun as he tried to get everyone's attention, while Han was lounging on the couch, scrolling through his phone with an amused expression on his face. Jeongin was deep in conversation with Hyunjin, and Bang Chan was sitting at the dining table, looking like he'd finally given up on keeping everyone under control.

"Hey," Felix called out when he spotted you and Seungmin. "Where'd you guys go?"

Seungmin shot him a grin. "Nowhere important."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "We just went out for a bit. You guys were too loud."

Jeongin, without even looking up from his phone, muttered, "Twin sense. I knew you were gone the whole time."

You snickered, shaking your head. "Sure, sure."

Seungmin gave you a small smile as you both settled back into the dorm's usual chaos. Even with the noise and the craziness, you knew you'd find another chance for a quiet escape together soon. And for now, this little adventure was perfect.

A/N: vlive V, that chapter, I'll post relationship reveal either the next chapter or after the next chapter, but I'll definitely post it soon.

(word count 1002)

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