:.Chapter 11.:

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This chapter is dedicated to.... DumpTruck2000 because they absolutely voted on every single chapter in my one shots book and I couldn't ever show you my entire appreciation!!


Castiel sighed, the time was approaching and he was as nervous as could be. It's not like he was having cold feet, he knew 100% that he wanted to marry Dean. He was just scared that they wouldn't work out in the end and he would lose the most important person in his life.

He heard a small knock on the door and he turned around facing the man that stood there.

"Hello Castiel." Chuck said.

"GET OUT!" Castiel screams, he backs up into the corner as Chuck makes his way towards his son.

"Now why would I do that? I cannot have you marrying some worthless piece of shit like a Winchester!! Let's not even talk about that it's a boy!" Chuck spat, he grabbed Castiel by the throat and tightened his grip.

Chuck stood there strangling his son on his wedding day as all their guest sat in the room next door.

Castiel felt his head spin, he looked around him, and everything was spinning. Soon things were beginning to get blurry, his breathe was caught in his throat, he was trying so hard to get away. Punching his father's stomach, attempting to push him away, hitting him in the head. Yet nothing seemed to work until he fell to the ground with a hard thump.

He looked up as Sam and John stood in front of Chuck, a bottle in John's hand. Cas blinked and tried to sit up, grabbing onto Sam's extended hand.

His visual coming clearer and clearer every second, his breathing began to get normal before he really looked at his father. Chuck was lying there in his own pool of blood. He looked back to John and saw the broken wine bottle in his hands and looked back to his father. He had a huge cut on the back of his head, pieces of glass sticking out.

Castiel gasped and backed up.

"I'm sorry Castiel, he was going to kill you I didn't know what to do!" John stated, he looked so sincere, tears in his eyes.

"I've never wanted to hurt you I'm so sorry!!" John cried. Castiel cleared his throat and hugged John tightly.

"Thank you for protecting me, thank you for everything you've ever done for me and Dean." Castiel said.

"Ambulance is here, and so are the police." Sam stated, this was definitely not the way he thought his wedding day was going to be like.

"What's happening? Why are there police here?" Mary rushed in asking, then stopped as she saw Chuck lying there.

"He was going to kill Cas! I didn't know what was happening until it was over!" John yelled, hanging his head into his hands.

The police walked in and looked at the scene. They asked the three boys questions, Castiel completely forgetting about all the people in the other room. Soon Dean was trying to make his way in but was being held back by the police. He tried his hardest to block him from seeing anything but when he saw Chuck lying there, he completely froze up. He looked around the room seeing John in hand cuffs and Castiel being attended to by a nurse. He had a visible hand marking around his neck.

Castiel looked up and saw Dean, he smiled softly and mouthed an 'I Love You.' Dean smiled back and mouthed an 'I Love You Too.' before walking out.

Castiel looked back to the police and saw them taking john away.

"Wait!" Castiel screamed, the police stopped and turned around to face the man.

"Can you take him after the ceremony? He's supposed to walk me and it's his son's wedding, and it better be his only one too!" Castiel said, smiling at the last part.

The officers looked between each other and gave little nods and looked back to Castiel.

"Since this was an accident and Mr. Winchester and yourself have been very cooperative we'll allow it but we'll have to leave in about 5 minutes. I'm sorry." The officer said.

"Then let's go!" Castiel screamed. The officer nodded and uncuffed John. He grabbed onto Castiel's arm and they began to walk out the ceremony.

There stood the man he would stay with forever. The man he would start his family with. The man he wanted to grow old with, watching the children play on the yawn and celebrating every holiday with.

"Unfortunately, due to the recent events, were going to have to speed up the ceremony." The pastor said.

"Dean Winchester do you take Castiel Novak to be your lawfully wedded husband? To cherish and love through sickness and health?"

"I do!" Dean screamed causing everyone to smile and laugh.

"Do you Castiel Novak take Dean Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband? To cherish and love through sickness and health?" Castiel looked around the room until his eyes landed on John and Mary. Both were in tears, huge smiles spread onto their faces.

"Damn right I do!" Castiel yelled. Dean laughed and smiled widely at the man in front of him.

"As the man to make this official I am pleased to announce Mr. and Mr. Winchester, you may kiss the groom!" The pastor said, a smile on his face as well.

"Don't mind if I do!" Dean screamed, he grabbed Castiel by the waist and planted a passionate and soft kiss on his now husbands lips.

"I love you Dean Winchester!"

"I love you Castiel Winchester!" Both boys yelled as everyone erupted in cheers.

YAY I finished work early!! I only worked 6 ours today!! So here's the wedding! I hope you like it!

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