:.Chapter Something.:

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First off, I would like to apologize for abandoning this book! It's been 1 year and 5 months since I last updated. So here's my attempt in continuing this book, so I hope you like it!

The two men spent the rest of their week in LA going around and visiting all the major landmarks. Visiting Santa Monica beach, the Hollywood sign and even went hiking to see the view of Los Angeles. 

Although, their visit was amazing and definitely something they'll remember for the rest of their lives. They couldn't wait to get back home and see their family once again. 

On their way back, Castiel was pleasantly surprised how relaxed his husband was on the plane. Not once freaking out, though he did hold onto his hand the entire 5 hours. 

They thanked their cab driver and made their way into their home. 

"Hey Cas?" Dean asked, turning the light on and taking of his boots. 

"Yes Dean?" Castiel answered, hanging his jacket up. 

"Did you have fun this week? I wanted it to be perfect but so many things I had planned went wrong." Dean spoke, giving his husband a small smile. 

"Dean, it was amazing! I had the best time! Thank you for taking me to LA, you know i've always wanted to go there since I was a kid." Castiel responded, walking slowly towards his husband.

"Yeah, I know that's why I wanted everything to be perfect! Our reservations half the time were cancelled, the weather wasn't the best, I mean they definitely needed the rain but still." Dean said, releasing a long sigh. 

Castiel sighed and sat next to Dean on the couch, placing his hand on his knee. 

"Dean, it was perfect! Just being with you is perfect!" Castiel said, placing his other hand under Dean's chin pushing it up to meet his dazzling green eyes. 

"We could've stayed here for the honeymoon and it would've been perfect! As long as I'm with you Dean, it will always be perfect." Castiel said, pressing a small kiss on his loves lips. 

"Thanks Cas, I had a great time too just being alone with you, but I'm happy we're home now." Dean stated, kissing his husband once more before standing up and taking their luggage in his hands. 

"Me too, I missed Gabe and Sam." Castiel said, following Dean up to their room. 

"Yeah definitely missed them, but happier to be in this bed." Dean states as he lays on top of the bed. 

Castiel smiles and starts pealing off his clothes, making his way toward Dean, he crawls into the bed and pokes Dean. 

"Did you just poke me?" Dean asks, laughing quietly. 

"Maybe?" Castiel answered. 

Dean laughed and got up, removing his clothing and slipping into their bed quietly. 

"Hey Cas?" 


"Are you happy with the way  your life has turned out so far?" Dean asks.

"100% satisfied." Castiel smiled, leaning into his Husbands side and pressing a long kiss on his cheek. "You?" 

"As long as you're here with me, i'll always be happy with my life." Dean whispered, grabbing is husband and bringing him in closer until he was in-between his legs and resting on his chest. 

"Get some sleep Angel." Dean whispered once again. 

"Goodnight my love." Castiel whispered back before pressing one last kiss on his lips and quickly falling asleep. 

Was this worth the wait? I hope so! I hope you liked it too!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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