Chapter Twenty

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After saying goodbye to her lover, Evie closed the front door and let her forehead rest against the wooden surface. "Why did you come this early, Nicholas? You were supposed to be here by eight. It's not even seven yet."

"I thought you'd be happy to see me."

Evie turned around and saw her brother grinning. "I would be happier if you hadn't seen what you just saw."

"That's alright. It's not like I am innocent. But don't blame me. I didn't know you had company."

"Your wife knows Roth brings me home every day. And if she knows, you know too."

Nicholas chuckled. "Maybe..."

"That says enough."

Nicholas put her portable sewing machine on the dining table, along with a wicker basket. "Ipra says thanks for borrowing your machine."

"Did she put it to good use?"

"She sure did!" Nicholas replied. "She made about fifty new outfits for the kids. The orphanage was very happy."

Evie smiled. "Your wife is a saint."

"I know." Nicholas beamed with pride until his smile slowly faded. "I just love that woman to death."

"Is everything alright with her?" Evie asked, walking over to her brother.

He bit his lip. "Yes, it's just that... She got her monthly bleeding last night."

"Oh, no." Evie laid her hand consolingly on her brother's shoulder.

"We thought we had been blessed this time." The expression on his face was that of a defeated man. "Ipra was convinced of it. She even threw up two mornings in a row."

"I'm so sorry."

"So, yeah..." Nicholas's shoulders slumped. "She was a bit emotional today and tried to forget everything by cleaning the house—twice." He patted the sewing machine. "And she wanted this thing out of the way."

Evie embraced her brother. "I will make us some tea, and we can talk some, if you want."

Evie knew how much her brother and his wife wanted to bring a child into the world. It was heartbreaking that they couldn't get pregnant again after all the things they'd been through with their son. They had so much love to give.

"I appreciate that, sis." Nicholas walked over to the couch and took a seat. "However, that's not what I want to talk about..." He rubbed both hands against his face. "There's another reason for my visit."

"Hm, I'm curious now." Evie filled the kettle with water.

"You should eat first." Nicholas pointed at the basket. "There's your dinner. Ipra cut you a big piece."

"What is it?"

"Pork pie."

"Bless that woman." Evie turned on the heat and put the filled kettle on the stove before grabbing a fork.

"Go on, eat," Nicholas said. "It's probably cold by now, but I like it cold too."

"How about I eat, and you talk?"

"Also fine."

After getting her dinner out of the basket, Evie walked over to her brother and sat beside him. "Okay, shoot."

"It's about your job," Nicholas said. "Well, actually, it's about your boss."


Nicholas nodded. "It's time for you to leave that place, Evie. For good."

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