Evie's dad

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Hi beautiful merfolk! I am so happy to see you guys liked the first chapter so I did a similar chapter because, come on, we all know parents in real life aren't as unaware as those in the show. All of a sudden my daughter stops doing one of the things she loved most (diving) and is afraid of water, everything must be fiiinnne!

Rikki's back! Mako Mermaids official instagram confirmed it.  I'm so excited about it! But I'm not seeing Sirena in the moon pool with Rikki, Ondina, Mimi and that new mermaid :*(.  I hope she's not gone.


Evie jogged down the dock to her father's boat. She was partly concerned but partly glad to be away from the hustle and bustle of the café. She had to close her little shop early because her dad told her to meet him by his boat at 11 o'clock that morning at breakfast. Ever since she became a mermaid, Evie always got nervous being near her dad's boat, where everything was always wet because of all the wet divers loading it. Her dad didn't bother to attempt to dry any of it. It was either "I've got another dive in an hour" or "It'll dry overnight" and Evie was starting to get annoyed.

She also felt guilty looking at the boat she used to board weekly to go diving with her dad. The way her dad looked at her was just too much. Like a lost puppy who can't understand why its owner won't take it for a walk. Her dad was always looking for a new tourist attraction. A mermaid would be a gold mine for him, she told herself. Would he really use her like that? But he did use Mako reef when he discovered it. A fragile habitat that wouldn't be able to handle the large amounts of customers her dad took out there. Not to mention the pieces of coral they'd take or the absolute pollution the boat would cause. Evie could go on and on to the point where she'd hate herself for thinking so badly of her dad. I'm a mermaid now, so I must protect my secret unless I'm sure I can trust him. Would he really approve of his daughter popping a tail when she touched water?

Evie saw the familiar sign of her dad's business on the dock and sped up. There was her dad cleaning up his boat.

"Hi daddy," she smiled.

"Hi there, sweetheart," he smiled back, "get in."

"Ok, why?" Evie jumped into the boat and leaned on the edge.

Her dad started up the boat and Evie made to get out the boat but her dad grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"I just... Zac asked me to lunch after I met with you," Evie told the truth but she felt like she was avoiding the question. Well, she was.

"He can wait a few minutes. You've waited on him in the past, it's his turn," the boat was already untied from the dock and they were drifting slowly away from it.

She had to act now if she wanted to get out. Yeah, she would stay dry if she stood in the right place but she doubted her dad was taking her for a simple boat ride.

"Come on, sweetheart. Don't you trust me?"

Her dad let go of her wrist and drove the boat away from the dock before Evie could jump across. They drove at maximum speed to the middle of the ocean. Evie knew her way to Mako and this was definitely it. Her breathe was shallow and she was sweating despite the cool breeze. One could only imagine the relief she felt when the boat slowed and Mako was nowhere in sight.

"Suit up," her dad tossed her pink diving suit to her. That was when she noticed her dad was already wearing his. In all her nervous thinking she hadn't noticed it.

"Dad, I'm not wearing a swimsuit-" she started.

"That's fine. I'll take you home after to cha-"

"I don't want to!" Evie accidentally shouted.

"What's the matter with you? You've been acting strange for months. I'm the only parent you have left," This made Evie's heart soften, "And I'm trying my hardest, I really am. Just tell me, you can trust me."

"I'm sorry, I just don't dive anymore," Evie said softly.

"And you have no reason not to! You've loved it all your life and all of a sudden you just stop.  Did you watch shark week?Is it Zac? Or is it those girls-um- Sirena, Onima and Melee?"

"Sirena, Ondina and Mimi."

"It's them? They're telling you not to?"


"Then what is wrong? The water's great-hold on- let me show you," Even though his daughter started objecting immediately, he jumped into the water," See? I'm not drowning and neither will you."

Evie fought back tears and thought about using her powers. Scaring her dad by making the water boil or freeze so he'd get onto the boat and they could leave. Something moved in the corner of her eye. The familiar wake a mermaid makes when they swam fast was quickly making it's way towards the boat. Panic swelled in Evie and she honked the boat horn too much times to count. Whoever was swimming slowed down and she saw them swim away from the boat. She needed to have a serious talk with the gang about looking out for boats.

"What's gotten into you?" Her dad reboarded the boat and grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around and away from the control panel.

Evie felt the water drip down her shoulder from her dad's wet hands and her heart dropped. This was it. She couldn't keep it a secret much longer. A quick search of her surroundings verified her fear of no dry towels. Evie dove head first into the water seconds before her tail could come.

"Dang it, Evie!" Evie's dad jumped into the water after his daughter who wasn't coming up for air.

There was the sight that nearly made him let his breath go. His daughter was a mermaid and she looked at him with fear and worry. Evie turned and swam away, towards Mako fast as lightning before her dad had time to react.


Mwahahahaha. I give you suspense. How will he react?

Comment on whether you want to see him react positively or negatively.

XOXO~ LazyDaisyLizey

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