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You're chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You and the stranger both like Harry Potter.

Stranger is using Omegle's mobile Web site (omegle.com on a phone or tablet)

Stranger: Hi

You: Hi.

Stranger: Do u happen to like Harry potter

You: No duh.

Stranger: Haha wanna have a trivia contest :p

You: gO.

You: * Go

Stranger: Ill start off easy

You: okay.

Stranger: Why did the golden snitch fumbled ore give to Harry say on it

Stranger: Dumbledore*

You: I open at the close. Too easy

Stranger: Haha ok u go

You: Okay Let's see. What is James Potter I middle name?

Stranger: Haha I can tell u tons Harry's and hermiones but sorry don't know

You: Charles. His Father's name.

Stranger: Ok haha let me think hmm

Stranger: Of one for u

Stranger: Name all 7 defence against the dark art teachers in order

Stranger: First and last name

You: Quintis Quirrell ( Can't spell ), Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Alstor Moody, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snap, and Alcteo Carrow?

Stranger: Yup good job

You: *bows*

Stranger: Haha ok give me another I'm not to good with the marauder era though

You: Umm hang on.

Stranger: K

You: What's Dumbledore's full name?

Stranger: Albums persivus something Brian fumble site

Stranger: Dumbledore*

Stranger: I was gonna ask u that next :p

You: Albus Perciville Wilfric Brian Dumbledore

Stranger: Ok so I mised wilfric

Stranger: I forgot how do pernounce the second one exactly

You: LOL

Stranger: Ill think of one as hard as I can

You: okay.

Stranger: Name the 372nd word Harry said

Stranger: Haha jk

You: O.O

You: Hold on let me think

Stranger: :p

You: I'm

You: I'm pretty sure it's I'm

Stranger: Maybe I'm not sure key me think of another one

Stranger: Name Harry's, Ron's, hermiones, dumbledote, aberforth, tonks, snaps, Lilly, and James patrons

Stranger: And Luna

Stranger: Patronus*

You: Harry:Stag Ron:Terrier Hermione: Otter Dumbledore: Pheonix Aberforth: Goat Tonks : Wolf Snape: doe Lily: Doe James:Stag Luna: Hare

Stranger: Good job I'm impressed

You: THank you.

Stranger: Haha give me one more

You: Hmmm..

You: Want easy Medium or hard?

Stranger: Just do hard but not marauder or names

You: OKay.

You: What is Hermione's wand's core?

Stranger: Unicorn hair

You: Nope

You: Dragon Heartstring

Stranger: Dragon heart string!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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