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You're chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You and the stranger both like Sugar Quill, and Harry Potter.

Stranger is using Omegle's mobile Web site (omegle.com on a phone or tablet)

You: Hi?

Stranger: would you like a delcious red vine?

You: REd vines are awesome.

You: * Red

Stranger: ...favorite color of vines bezide

Stranger: *besides green?

You: Red vines.

Stranger: favorite way to say red wines in a german accent?!

You: Red Vines.

Stranger: ohmygosh where have you been all my life?!

You: Yeah!

Stranger: XD

You: Sugar Quills are delicious too.

Stranger: Never had one. XP

You: Neither have I...

Stranger: then...how would you know?

Stranger: ....are you sugar quill?

You: Magic.

You: Nope.

You: But this conversations was awesome.

Stranger: oh. ha me either. oh well

Stranger: Potter on?!

You: Hells to the Yes!

Stranger: :D

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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