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You're chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You and the stranger both like Sugar Quill, and Harry Potter.

Stranger is using Omegle's mobile Web site (omegle.com on a phone or tablet)

You: Hi.

Stranger: There once was a boy named Harry...

You: Destined to be a star

Stranger: his parents were killed by Voldemort

You: Who gave him a lighting scar.

Stranger: Yo Harry, you're a wizard.

You: Haryy goes to hogwarts

Stranger: He meets Ron and Hermione

You: McGonagall requires him to play for gryffindor.

Stranger: Draco is a daddy's boy, Quirrel becomes unemployed

You: The sorcer's stone is destroyed by dumbledore

Stranger: Ron breaks his wand

You: Now Ginny's gone

Stranger: And Harry's in mortal danger.

You: Tom riddle hides his snake inside his ginormous secret chamber

Stranger: Harry blows up Aunt Marge

You: the dementors come and take charge

Stranger: Lupin is a wolf, the rat's a man

You: and no the prisoner is at large

You: *now

Stranger: They use time travel so they can save the Prisoner of Azkaban

You: who just so happens to be Harry's godfather

Stranger: I don't really get it either.

You: harry get's put in the

Stranger: Triwizard tournament. With dragons and mermaids

You: Oh no! Edward cullen gets slyed

You: *slayed

Stranger: He's back.

You: Harry harry it's getting scarry

Stranger: Voldemorts back and you're a revultionary Harry

You: Dumbledore Dumbledore why is he ignoring your constant attempts to contact him

Stranger: He is forced to leave the school.

You: Umbridge arrives

Stranger: Draco's a tool.

You: Kid's break into the ministry

Stranger: Sirius Black is dead as can be.

You: OHHH!

Stranger: Split your soul, seven parts of a whole.

You: They're horcruxes

Stranger: It's Dumbledores end!

You: There once was a boy named Harry

Stranger: Who constantly conquered death.

You: But in one final duel between good and bad he may take his final breath.

Stranger: XD

You: P

Stranger: a

You: i

Stranger: n

You: t

Stranger: subscribe!!


You: XD

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: that was amazing.

Stranger: :)

You: Thanks

Stranger: but... I'm not Sugar Quill. :P

You: Neither am I..

Stranger: haha oh well. this was cool anyways.

You: Say Hi to Wattpad.

Stranger: ...hi to Wattpad?

You: Yeah.. THat's where this chat's going.

Stranger: oh lol! nice. Heyy.


Stranger: Potter on!

You: Woop!

Stranger: Byee!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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