chapter one

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Alianovna could hear his voice over the music. (Again)


The girls all restarted the dance for the 40th time that day.


And again.


And again.

Until finally, time was up, and they had to leave to get ready for the rest of the day.

Although they had to dance until most girls physically couldn't anymore, Alianovna never minded. Yes it was meant to be painful, but for Alina, when she dances she doesn't notice the pain.

It's like it all just flys away with the jumps and the turns. When she dances she feels somewhat free. At least as close as one can get to being free when you live where she does.

All the girls line up in a neat row in height order before waiting for the all clear to leave. Once they get the nod from their instructor, they all march out in union. Alina, being the shortest out of the group, was at the back of the line.

"Алиановна, останься пожалуйста." he said. (Alianovna, stay please)

She did as he said, stopping and turning to face him, staring straight ahead and waiting patiently for him to speak.

"мадам хотела бы поговорить с вами, она скоро будет здесь." He said (the madame would like to speak to you, she will be here soon.)

Alina nodded, knowing that she would probably be walking through that door any second now, she's never late.

Just as she thought, Madame B walked in just two seconds after.

"Alianovna, how is your English going?" madame B asks in english.

"It's going good Madame." Alina replies also in english.

"Good, your going to need it. Follow me." she says as she swiftly turns on her heals and walks our of the room with a confused red head following behind.

All Alina could think of was that she probably had another mission to complete. To her, there would be no other reason why she was asked how her English was. Which was another thing, Alina has only ever needed to practise her English when she was going on undercover missions or just simply going to another country, so it's obvious to her that, that's what she'd be doing for this particular assignment.

But what she didn't know, was how important it was.

"This way." Madame B said as she opened a door that Alina had only been through twice in her life, and let Alina walk in first.

To say that Alina was nervous was a complete understatement, but she didn't let it show, she was trained not to after all.

There she stood, face to face with the most important man in the facility, Drakov.

"Ah, Alianovna. Wonderful to see you again, you've grown quite a bit since I last saw you." he pipes.

Alina continues to stand there, showing no emotion, and not talking.

She was always taught not to talk around her superiors unless she was told to do so or asked a question.

"Please, sit." He says as he gestures to the chair Infront of his desk.

Alina did as asked but stayed silent.

"Now, do you know why I called you in here?"

"No sir." Alina replied.

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