chapter three

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The "father daughter duo" are currently walking to midtown high as it is Alianovnas (aka melody) first day of school.

They walk to the school not saying a word to eachother. It's not that they are uncomfortable, they've been basically living together for three days now so they are mostly used to eachothers companies already seeing as they had to learn to adapt to changes quickly where they are from.

They just simply don't feel like talking.

For Alina, it's too early in the morning to be socialising. And for James, he's just not in the mood.

However, Alianovna did speak up once they got half way to their destination.

"You know, we still have thirty minutes left to get there, and it only takes ten minutes to get there from here. I say we should get some coffee, I always get it when I'm on missions" she says as they walk past a coffee store.

"Aren't you a bit young? Coffee stunts your growth you know"

"I'm 5'1, I doubt I'm going to grow anymore than that, and if I do it wouldn't be by much, mabye like an inch, two at most" she shrugs.

James, not having the energy or patients to continue going back and forth, gave in and let her walk into the caffe, following behind her.

She ordered her coffee and once she got it, James payed for it before they both left and headed back towards the school.

"Take a seat please" the principal told the two once they got to his office.

They did as he said and each sat on one of the two chairs that were placed on the other side of the principals desk.

"Alright, let's get started. I see you've been homeschooled since you've moved to America. Your grades are quite impressive" he said, to which Alina thanked him for.

"And this is the emergency contact number?" He hands the paper over to James to double check just incase.

"Yes, it is" James says.

They talk about a few more things before finally finishing up.

"Right, this is your timetable. Don't lose it. If you need help finding a class, feel free you ask one of your peers or if you don't feel comfortable with that, you may go to student services who will help you with that. However, they would most likely assign you a student to show you around so you might want to just ask around so that you can pick for yourself who you want to show you aroundl"

"Thank you" she says.

"Alright, that's it?" James asks.

"That's it, unless you have any questions?" The principal replies to which both "Devins" shake their head.

"Alright then, it was nice meeting you melody and Levi"

"You too"

"You too"

They replied in union.

They both left the office and then headed their own ways without even a simple 'bye'.

Alianovna looked down at her timetable and it said she had english first so she headed off to that class.

Luckily for her, she had a diagram of the school on her watch so she won't get lost and have to ask for help.

She found her class and walked in, trying to find a seat but just as she found one, she was told to introduce herself.

"Uh, I'm Melody Devins"

"Melody is our new student and I expect you all to make her feel welcome" the teacher says as Melody sits down in her seat.

"Melody?" She hears from beside her so she turns to face the person.

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