chapter four

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Two months later

Alianovnas pov

"Alina, wake up"  I hear, along with footsteps quickly aproaching my bed.

I quickly jump up and go to attack the person out of instinct but he blocks it before I realised it's just James.

"Why are you waking me up at four in the morning?" I ask him as I look over to the alarm clock that sits next to my bed.

"Look at your phone" he tells me.


Change of plans, we have figured out where they are keeping the thing they stole from me. The God has gone back to his planet for the week and the witch has gone on a mission with her twin and the doctor. While they are gone, you two should be able to take down the rest. James, your task is to make a distraction while Alianovnas task is to break into the tower and get what I need. I will send you a photo of what it looks like and a diagram of where they hid it in the tower.

"Finally some action, let's go" I say.

We start getting ready, making sure we put on our suites and masks and that we have all our weapons on us. Then we get to making the plan.

It's around 4:30 am when our phones both ping.

We open our phones. It was a photo of what I need to retrieve and where it will be, along with a diagram of the whole tower so that I could plan out where I'm going to get in from.

We get back to planning and by the time we are done it's exactly 5:00.

I remembered from one of the files that I read on the way here that captain America and the bird guy usually go on runs around this time but I'm sure that won't matter, either way they will end up getting called out for an "emergency".

"Alright, got your comms in?" He asks.


We walk around the back of the building and through an alleyway so that people wouldnt see us dressed like this and think we were suspicious.

While walking down one of the alleyways we noticed someone had parked their car in the alley next to us.

We walked over to the car and hopped in, James took the divers side sadly so I was stuck in the passenger.

He quickly hot wired the car before driving to his location.

He got out of the car while I switched into the driver's seat. The last thing I hear is gunshots before I drive away and towards the tower.

I quickly identify their vehicles before attaching trackers onto each of them and then I get back to the car and make sure not to park too close to the tower as I wait and watch.

Not even five minutes later, the avengers are all rushing out of the building and in to their own vehicles, making their way over to James.

I wait for two minutes and then check my watch which says they are still headed over to the bridge, which was where James currently was. Satisfied with their whereabouts, I get out of the car and walk around the back of the tower, finding the vent and popping it open before getting inside and closing it back up incase someone notices.

I look at my watch while I crawl around the vents, making sure I'm going the right way.

When I reach the area I was aiming for, I open the vent and dangle from the ceiling as it is a ceiling vent. Then I let go, making sure to land silently like I was taught.

Bucky's pov

I was on the bridge, shooting at random people while waiting for the so called avengers to show up. While I'm waiting my watch pings and it tells me where the avengers currently are, which is on their way here.

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