chapter six

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Alina's pov (ten hours later)

Drakov had informed me when I told him we had Yelena not to inject the antidote into her until she wakes up or she could wake up even more confused than before and possibly lose her memory of the red room completely so we are now waiting as the sedative will take sixteen hours to wear off and it has only been ten so we need to wait another five hours.

Bucky and I had finished packing our things to get ready to leave not too long ago so now we are waiting impatiently and are completely bored out of our minds as we had nothing to do.

I know this kinda sound sick but right now I'm kind of wishing I had gotten some sort of injury so that I would have to take care of it and at least have something to do while I wait and take my mind off of this torcher that goes by the name of boredom.

"You hungry?" James suddenly asks.

"A little yeah" now that I think of it, I kind of am hungry, I haven't eaten all day today.

"What do you want?" He then asks.

I think for a while and then I remembered a conversation I had with Yelena in the red room before she was kidnapped.

"Mac and cheese. And get some for Yelena to eat when she wakes up. It's her favourite" I told him.

"I didn't know they gave Mac and cheese to you guys in the red room?"

"They don't, but Yelena once told me that she used to always ask for it as a kid before she got to the red room and that it was really good... Oh, and get hot sauce too. She said it was better that way"

He simply nods before putting his shoes on and heading out.

The avengers pov

They had a few breaks but are still trying to figure out how they are going to find Yelena.

"Dam it! We have to come up with something! We can't just rely on the bloody street cam footage!" Natasha said, agitated at the fact they have not been able to come up with anything although it's been more than ten hours since her chosen sister had gone missing.

"We will come up with something soon, everyone just keep thinking" said tony.

Just then, Friday started to speak.

"James Barnes aka the winter soldier, has just been spotted down Brookfield centre" said Friday, as an image of James walking into the mall pops up on the screen"

"Hold on, I've seen him from somewhere" said Peter.

"Yes kid we know, we all saw him when they took Yelena"

"No no, I meant I've actually met him"

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

"Well I didn't realise before because he had his mask on and then after you knocked it off he was in the car driving and I was honestly only paying attention to the girl-"

"Cut to the chase kid" Natasha said impatiently.

"This girl from my school, I've become pretty close with her after she started a few months ago, the first time I met her she was with her dad. That's him. But he said his name was Levi"

"Did that girl happen to have red hair?" Sam asked the question we we all thinking.

"Yeah, why? .... Oh" he said disappointed.

"It's alright kid, you couldn't have known" Tony said trying to cheer him up.

"It's not that, it's just. She was kind of starting to become a sister to me you know? She was a really great friend... But I guess it was all a show"

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