A Place In My Heart

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Haein paced anxiously in the hallway, having walked by so many times that she'd probably created her own track on the polished floor. They had been in the headmaster's office for twenty minutes, what on earth could they be talking about? He probably just wanted to know how the fight started and who was responsible so he could issue a punishment. Why would it take so long? Was he really going to revoke Hyunwoo's scholarship just because of this stupid fight?

She'd been hovering around the area, not wanting to appear as if she was waiting for either of them. She didn't need anyone else getting the wrong idea that she had something going on with either boy, the rumours were already bad enough. Yet, she couldn't go home peacefully without knowing what was happening in the headmaster's office.

The sound of the heavy wooden door opening made Haein jump like a guilty thief being caught. She stopped immediately, flipping through her notepad as if she was checking something for her upcoming council event, but she watched them walk out from the corner of her eye. It appeared that Hyunwoo had paid a visit to the nurse already, for his split lip had been cleaned up and a bandage was put over the cut on his cheekbone.

Her heart ached. Hyunwoo looked remorseful, his head bowed, but Eunsung looked as arrogant as always. Fuck being best friends, she wanted to slap some sense into Eunsung. How could he be so irresponsible? He should know better than that.

Watching the two boys walk down the corridor in different directions, Haein opened her mouth to call out to Hyunwoo, but was stopped by the headmaster.

"Hong Haein ssi, I want to speak to you too. You were at the scene weren't you?" Hearing her name, Hyunwoo paused and turned around, making eye contact with her. He looked... defeated.

Her stomach twisted.

"Yes sir." She sighed, having no choice but to follow him. She hesitated in the doorway, watching his retreating back, wishing she could run after him, but she forced herself to walk into the headmaster's office.

Eunsung watched their short exchange, his expression grim.

Is this how it will be? Baek Hyunwoo better watch out.


"From the recount from the two boys, I heard that you were the one to stop the fight from escalating any further. I would like to commend you on your exemplary behaviour, it is befitting for a member of the student council."

"Thank you sir, but I did what anyone would have in that situation." Haein said, tone even and practised.

That's absolute bullshit, those snakes were just enjoying the fight.

"Since you're the third party, I want to hear your perspective. As you can surely understand, it is challenging to get an accurate recount from the students directly involved in the incident."

"Of course, I am more than happy to offer my assistance."

"From what I understand, Baek Hyunwoo was the one to start the fight. Yoon Eunsung said that he'd gotten angry at him out of nowhere and punched him so he fought back in self defence. Do you have anything to add on? Did you see exactly how the fight was instigated?"

Haein's eyes widened in surprise. Hyunwoo started the fight? That couldn't be, he wasn't the kind to solve problems via violence. That was more of Eunsung's style.

"I'm sorry but I didn't witness the start of the fight. I was only there to stop them when I saw what was going on. But as Hyunwoo's friend, I don't think he would do something like that. I feel like something else happened before the fight."

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