Chapter Three

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With the council room empty I start walking towards the door, I straighten my vest and begin my walk back to my room to figure out my plan.

The afternoon sun was still hung high in the sky, casting shadows across the corridors of the palace as I make my way back to my quarters. My thoughts were still clouded by the tense meeting with the council earlier that day, the weight of their words pressing down on me like a suffocating shroud. The very air felt heavy, as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for something inevitable and dark to unfold.

As I rounded the corner, a familiar figure stood in my path, leaning nonchalantly against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Thorn.

Thorn's a few inches taller than me and has pitch black hair and eyes the scars on his face are white, a stark contrast to his tan skin tone. He's one of the few people in the kingdom with no myth trait as he comes from the far east where extremities like tails and horns are absent.

"Figured I'd catch you before you disappeared into that little cave of yours," Thorn said, his voice a gravelly drawl, always carrying a hint of mischief. His dark hair was windswept, and his twin blades glinted in the afternoon light, strapped securely across his back.

I stop, eyeing Thorn warily. "What are you doing here, Thorn? You're not exactly the type to hang around here unless there's trouble."

Thorn pushed himself off the wall, his movements fluid and effortless, like a predator who'd been lounging but could spring into action at any moment. "Saw Sir Valen come in through the gates earlier, thought I'd check things out."

"The north half of the western front has fallen, elves are working with Deep Wood Elves now" I answered, turning to continue down the hall.

"Shit." Thorns says, following closely behind me. "When are we sending reinforcements?"

Thorn is a hired mercenary, he had gained my father's favour a few years back when helping defeat a small raid and since then, he's proven himself to be a close ally of the kingdom. The only thing holding him back from becoming a knight was the rules and regulation whcih he didn't want to follow.

"Father says Leo and I are to leave with the garrison in a few days, then when we reach Hilde, Leo will go to the front and I will venture to the north to secure more allies."

"What?" he stops, gaping. "Aren't you guys too young? You haven't even done your coming-of-age quest yet."

I stop as well, "Father says this will be part of our coming-of-age quest. To prove we're worthy of it."

"Well, shit." Thorn places his hands on his hips, his expression alternating between confused and amazed. "Anyways, I figure you could probably use a pick-me-up... a quick spar to get your mind off of this quest?"

"I'm not in the mood."

Thorn stepped in front of me, blocking my path with that infuriating grin plastered on his face. "Oh, you're in the mood. You just don't know it yet. Come on, a little sparring will get your mind off things. Better than brooding alone in your room."

I narrow my eyes but couldn't deny that a good fight might be exactly what I needed. Thorn knew him too well. "You just want an excuse to get a few hits in."

Thorn chuckled, unsheathing one of his blades and spinning it lazily in his hand. "Maybe. But I'm offering you the chance to return the favor."

A sigh escapes from my lips, already feeling the tension in my shoulders loosening at the thought of exertion. "Fine. But don't cry when I knock you on your ass."

Thorn's grin widened. "That's the spirit."

The training grounds were bathed in golden light, the sun still warm. The air smelled of fresh grass and earth, a peaceful contrast to the two men now facing off, weapons in hand. Thorn had already unsheathed both of his swords, his stance relaxed but predatory, eyes gleaming with the thrill of an impending fight.

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