Chapter Ten

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I wake up to the pale light of dawn filtering through the curtains, a soft glow painting the room in muted shades of gold and grey. The heavy blankets are warm, but the air outside them holds the distinct chill of the northern kingdom, crisp and biting even indoors. I sit up slowly, stretching out the stiffness from the long journey, and glance around the room.

The stone walls of the guest chamber are thick, polished to a smooth sheen, but they do little to keep out the cold. At least the bedding is warm, layered with thick furs and woven blankets. I slide my feet to the floor, the stone cold against my skin, and reach for my boots. The room is quiet except for the distant sounds of the palace waking up beyond the door.

Mira stirs beside me, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sits up. For a moment, she looks groggy, then stretches her arms above her head with a satisfied groan. "You're up early," she mutters, her voice husky from sleep.

"Old habits," I reply with a shrug, lacing up my boots. "Too used to morning spars."

She yawns, brushing her dark hair from her face, and glances over at Thorn, sprawled out in his bed, snoring loudly. One arm dangles over the side, his blanket tangled around him like a snake. His face is buried in the pillow, completely oblivious to the fact that morning has already arrived.

Mira sighs in mock frustration. "He's the worst." Without hesitation, she throws off her own blankets and strides across the room. With a mischievous grin, she plants her foot squarely into Thorn's side and gives him a solid kick.

Thorn lets out a loud grunt, flailing as he wakes. "What the—!" His voice is muffled by the pillow, and he squints up at us, hair sticking up in every direction as he blinks, trying to understand where he is.

Thorn's abrupt yell startles both Elysia and Finn awake. They sit up simultaneously, their disheveled hair making them look like long-lost twins as they blink at each other in groggy confusion.

"Morning," Mira says sweetly, her grin betraying her amusement.

"Ugh... why?" Thorn groans, rolling onto his back and covering his face with his hands. "Why do mornings exist?"

"Because we have to meet a queen today," I remind him, grabbing my cloak from the chair. "And I doubt she'd appreciate us being late."

Thorn rubs his eyes, muttering something incoherent before finally sitting up. His hair is even wilder than usual, and he glares half-heartedly at Mira. She just shrugs, completely unbothered. "If I didn't kick you, you'd never wake up."

Elysia stretches her arms wide with a soft yawn, her eyes still heavy with sleep, while Finn leans back against the headboard with a smirk. "Well, that's one way to wake up."

There's a soft knock at the door, and before we can answer, it creaks open. A maid enters, dressed in a modest pale blue gown with an apron tied at her waist, her hair neatly pinned up. She carries a tray laden with fresh bread, butter, and a pot of steaming tea.

"Good morning," she says politely, her voice soft but professional. "Her Majesty wishes for me to inform you that she has some duties to attend to this morning. She will meet with you at half-day."

"Thank you," I nod, as she sets the tray down on the table.

"Breakfast has been prepared for you," she continues, gesturing to the food. "Please, help yourselves. If there's anything else you need, ring the bell by the door."

With a small bow, the maid slips out of the room as quickly as she entered. Thorn stumbles to his feet, still groggy, and collapses into a chair by the table, staring blankly at the bread as if unsure of what to do with it.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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