Really, Rice?

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Physical Education. Aka, the worst class, by Jace's standards anyway.

Not only did he have just one friend there, but the rest of the class were all dicks. Y'know the boys who wore Nike and fake chains? The boys who loved to make 'I'm not racist, I hate everyone!' jokes? Those were the boys in his PE class.

Jace walked over to his locker, putting some books away and grabbing some.

"J-Ice!" Jace turned around and saw his friend, Rice, running up to him. He took his noise canceling headphones, that didn't work, off his ears.

She was wearing a black vest over a white button-up, black jeans, and black Vans. She was a therian too, Black Bear.

She threw her arm around him, panting slightly. "Are you- still up for quads and gear tonight?"

Clearly she'd ran the whole way.

"Yeah, I should be. You and Charlie?" He pulled a math book out, before shutting his locker.

Rice nodded quickly. Their conversation was cut short by a boy walking up to them and putting his hand on Jace's head.

"Heyyy, Jaymie, right?" He turned around and looked back at his friends, who were all laughing.

Jace sighed, not bothering to look at him. "It's Jace, you know this."

"Woah, calm down! Don't pull out the shotgun!" His group was fucking cackling now.

"Can you just fuck off? Please?" Jace pushed him off, backing away.

"Aw, why Jaymie? You wanna stay the loner freak you are? Fucking furry."

Jace looked at Rice, and nodded.

Rice got a wide smile, before looking up at the boy. "Yay! Ryan Smith, dead father, alcoholic mom-"

"What the fuck, dude! What are you doing?!" The boy- Ryan- looked disgusted and borderline scared.

Rice just started laughing. "What? I didn't say anything!"

"Gaslighting isn't real, you're just crazy.." Jace mumbled, also laughing a bit.

Ryan stood there for a few seconds, before stomping back over to his fuckboy group. Rice was still straight up cackling.

"You're gonna get caught hacking into their student files and socials one day." Jace pushed her shoulder.

She pushed him back. "Oh, I doubt it!"

The bell rang, and everyone started walking to their classes, Jace and Rice going to PE. Once they got inside, everyone changed into their Gym clothes.

"Everyone! Gather around! I have news!" The coach called out. The class just called him Coach, it was basically his name.

Jace and Rice paused their conversation about Dan and Phil, looking over at Coach.

"So, as most of you don't know, there's a race coming up. Normal, right? Normal school stuff? Wrong! This is gonna be a giant race, that includes other classes AND schools! We have dorms on campus that some of you are already staying at, that everyone who's participating has to stay in! This is the most important thing that will ever happen to me! Now, who wants to volunteer?!"

Jace saw Rice's eyes light up. That's a bad sign.

"Jace will, Coach!!"

"What?! No I-"

"Perfect! Anyone else?!"

As kids started volunteering, including Ryan, Jace pulled Rice away and into the locker room.

He looked pissed. "What?" Rice asked.

"What do you mean 'what'?! I can't run!"

Rice grinned. "Not on your two legs, you can't. You're the fastest quadrobist I know! Online and in person!"


"I'm not done." She cut him off. "You need to start opening up! Plus, you're failing, this could help your grades alot."

He sighed, looking at the ground. "I only do quads in front of you and Charlie. Not whole schools! Also, my grades are just fine!"

They stopped talking for a few seconds when a girl walked in.

"Don't mind me, just getting my water..." She grabbed her water bottle and rushed out.

"Please? For me? Your bestest friend of all time ever and ever with sprinkles on top?"

"Mm.. fine! But you owe me!" He agreed, groaning loudly.

"Yippee!! Also you literally have a D- in PE, don't try me."

They both laughed before the Coach called for them. They ran out and started actually doing PE, much to Jace's dismay.


This one is longer than it was in the original chapter! I think. Anyway, peek the usage of J-Ice cause why not. Y'all remember J-Ice? Yeah.

Have a good morning/afternoon/night! Stay safe and healthy! <3

Edited, 688 Words

-Pika / D4LLYYY

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