Chapter Ten: Freaking Hormones!

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“Harry was left to ponder in silence the depths to which girls would sink to get revenge.”

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Chapter Ten: FreakingHormones!

"Auntie Evie." Tristen said popping out of nowhere. "There is a super secret mission that I need your help with." He said with most serious face I have ever seen on a little kid.

"What is it?" I asked. He looked around and declared it wasn't safe because Maddie and Eryx were in the room. So i followed him down the hall to his room and we sat on the floor that was covered with toys.

"So what's up?" I ask him confused about what was wrong.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I think there's something wrong with mommy." He said.


He looked at me with an expression that said have you seriously not noticed? "She's fat." He said extremely serious. "I think there's an alien in side her."

I cracked up laughing, "So they haven't told you yet?" I wondered out loud. I got up and picked him up and carried him to the living room. "Maddie! You have some explaining to do." I say and drop in the seat next to her and place Tristen in my lap. "Tris, why don't you tell mommy what you told me."

He shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I might make it angry and it will eat her." He whispered to me. I cracked up laughing again, this kids must be mine.

"It won't I promise." I said and eventually he told Maddie and Eryx.

"I think you are growing an alien inside of you." He said. And they laughed.

Maddie looked at him, "Has Auntie Evynne been leaving her shows on when your in the room?" She asked.

He looked at me and I shook my head and then he looked back at Maddie and shook his head. Maddie raised her eye brow at him, "Really?" He nodded.

Eryx looked at him, "I'll give you a cookie if you tell the truth."


Maddie glared at me, "Let me guess, Taken that alien mini series you love?" (A/N Has anyone seen it? It has Dakota and Elle Fanning. TOTALLY WATCH IT FANTASTIC!)

"It's very educational!" I defended. "But that's not the point you need to explain what is growing inside of you."

Tristen's eyes widened, "A TURTLE!?!"

"No." Maddie said trying to not show her laughter. "I am having a baby."

"Ew, why? They smell." He replied.

"You were a baby once." Eryx said.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO REPLACE ME?" Tristen's face showed true horror. I hugged him to me.

"No!" Maddie reassured, "You are getting a little brother or sister."

"No thanks." He waved off. "I'm fine."

Face palm.

I tried, "Well, its too late. The baby will be here soon." I informed him.

"Where is it?" He asked, "Is Santa bringing him?"

"No." Eryx answered, "He's in mommy's belly."

"IS MOM A CHICKEN?" He exclaimed again horrified.

"No, chicken's lay eggs, I am werewolf so I carry the baby in my belly until it's time to for him to come out."

"Why?" He asked confused.

"So it will be safe." I explained.

"So mommy's belly is like an egg? Is the baby gonna be a dinosaur?" He asked excited.

"No, it's gonna be werewolf like the rest of us."

He frowned, "That's so boring." He huffed falling back into my chest. Suddenly he sniffed me. "Evie, you smell good."


"No, like a weird good." a smile pulled at his lips, his blue eyes mischevious, "Did you not take a shower today?"

"I showered today." Suddenly Kody walked in and looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Damn," I instictively covered Tristen's ears, "Evynne you smell good." He took a step closer I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I SHOWERED TODAY!" I snapped at him.

He looked confused, "I wasn't accusing you of not taking one."

"...oh." I replied sheepishly. Maddie leaned closer to me and sniffed me.

"I don't smell anythign." Then everything clicked in my head.

"Crap." I placed Tristen on Eryx's lap and ran to my room and locked the door. I heard footsteps outside my door.

"Evynne?" I heard Adora call. "Are you okay?"

"Eh, fine." I lied.

Suddenly the door leading to the bathroom from my room opened and Beck walked in. "Evynne where did you--" he stopped talking once he sniffed the room and his eyes filled with lust. My eyes widened.


"Evynne," I heard Adora call, "Are you in heat?" I didn't have time to answer before I was slammed against the wall were Beck was pinning me.

Shit, just fucking horse shit.

Beck trailed his nose down my neck. "You smell wicked good."

You see, werewolf women's lives suck, because we don't just get a period, oh no! We have to go through a state of being in heat. Which means you are extra horny and any un-mated male or your mate think you smell really good and just want to jump you. The only thing stopping Kody was he technically had a mate he just hadn't marked her yet.

I tried to push him away but something in me told me to not. I had a very descriptive day dream about me and Beck. "No!" I gasped and tried to push hin away.

What are you doing? He's our mate!

One that rejected you, the logical part of my part reminded me.

Yeah, but wasn't that what this whole revenge thing was about? So he would want you? my very horny wolf argued.


But I want him! my wolf whined.

I don't!

Too bad.

Suddenly I felt his lips on my neck and god did it feel good!  I closed my eyes just relishing in this then I snapped back into reality. What am I doing! Bad evynne! FREAKING HORMONES!

I wanted to yell at him but his lips on mine cut me off. Oh, flying monkeys. Suddenly my door was broken down by a very worried Adora and a very pissed of Eryx. Axel was behind looking confused.

"Help!" I gasped. TRying to push Beck back. Eryx came over and removed Beck from me and dragged him out. I looked at my broken door and then a very sheepish looking Adora.

"Opps." She replied.

"Fix it." I said and sat on my bed adn trying to figure out how to explain this to Axel.



I loved that chapter! So much fun! I had that planned since the beginning. So what should I name Maddie's child? Any suggestions? P.s. it might be a girl it might be a boy. What is your prediction?

Oh and isn't Tristen CUTE! I just want to hug!

V----V Vampireluver23

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