Chapter Three: Crying for the Enemy

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"Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more a man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out."

-Francis Bacon

Chapter Three: Crying for the Enemy

"Alright, here is Step Two: Turn His Family against him." I told Team Payback. I noticed Adora and her mate, the Third-in-Command, Dustin Pair and yes he is Beck's brother.

Adora spotted us and walked over to us, "Hey guys." She greeted.

"Hello Adora." I said with my famous evil smile. "How would you feel about you and your mate joining Team Payback?" I asked with a sweet voice.

Adora noticed my fake sweetness and looked slightly alarmed. She then sighed, "Who is it now?"


She looked confused, "Why?"

"Because he rejected me." I answered simply.

"Let's do this!" She exclaimed now with her own evil glint in her eyes like ours. I turned to Dustin.

"Whatta about you?" I asked doing my Godfather voice.

"You sure he rejected you?" He asked confused. I nodded, "That's weird because he always kinda liked you."

"What the hell?" I screamed. Then looked at Tristen, "I mean, here have a cookie." I handed him a cookie off of the cookie plate that just luckily happened to be behind me.

"Yes!" He exclaimed.

"Just like his mother." I mumbled shaking my head. "So you on board?"

"Yes, my brother has been spoiled for far too long. I think it's time to change that." He said with an evil smile and then doing that evil villain thing with his fingers.

"I knew there was a reason I was friends with you." I teased nudging him in the ribs with my elbow. I turned to Adora, "I approve." I informed her. "Okay, so somehow we have to get the rest of the Pair family on our side. How are we going to do that?" I wondered aloud.

There was a moment of silence as we all began to think things through. "I know!" I shouted. I turned to Dustin, "Invite your family to a picnic." Then I explained the plan to them.

I arrived at the park with Madeline, Eryx and Tristen because I missed them so much when they went to go "pack things" and were gone for a month. So I needed to make up for that month. That and driving is way too much effort.

"Are we there yet?" I whined.

"No, now shut up!" Madeline yelled at me. I had been asking that every seven seconds, so naturally she was pissed at me. I also trained Tristen to do it every nine seconds.

"Are we there yet?" He whined. Perfect timing.

"If you two don't shut up you won't get any muffins." Madeline warned.

I gasped and looked at him, "You wouldn't." I challenged.

"Oh I would." She answered. Jerk. Her muffins were amazing so she was always giving them to me when I was a "good puppy". Bitch, I'm no puppy.

"We're here!" Eryx declared.

"Yay!" Tristen and I exclaimed in unison. I unbuckled him and picked him and carried him over to where everyone was.

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