The Years Go by Part 1: Dash

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It flashes to a year into the apocalypse. Dash and Leilani are walking through the city streets of Italy.

Dash: the In between of the fifteen years weren't that important. With the ship we all split off for a while and then came back home when it was needed. The ship made it easier to get around. Some of us went on honey moons. Me and Leilani went on ours.

The intro plays. It flashes to the docks Calvin, and Claire are saying goodbye to Dash and Leilani. Calvin has quite a few scars on his face. He has one that goes down his neck to his chest.

Calvin: you guys have fun. Please stay safe out there.

Dash: don't worry we will.

Calvin: Keep a watch for the people who did this to us as well.

It flashes to Claire she has one scar on her eyebrow and another on her cheek.

Claire: Make sure Jeremy gets back alive. He saved us, we still need to repay him

Leilani: We will don't worry.

They walk up onto the ship after hugging all of eachother again. The door shuts behind them and they go to the top deck. The ship starts slowly moving away from the dock. It shows them travelling on the ocean through a montage. It stops with them at night. They are stopped and are working on the engine with a wrench.

Dash: I confirmed with the captain. In around 5 more hours of driving we'll be there.

Leilani: Oh that's great! I'm so excited for Italy.

Dash: me too. Jeremy is going to meet us down there. The only thing is that the bellingers could've followed him.

Leilani: Those are the people that attacked Claire and Calvin right?

Dash: Yeah. they have to be glad they made it out alive.

Leilani: Well I mean it was rough for both of them. Do you see all the scars Calvin has now?

Dash: they should heal up in a year. Some of them won't but I mean no one gets to be alive without a scar these days.

Leilani: Unless you're Black Glove. Then nothing happens to you.

Dash: Yeah. I do admit, we have to hand it to him. This boat he gave us is pretty nice.

Leilani: He killed our friends!

Dash: yeah nothing can reverse that. I miss them too.

Leilani: Yeah... I was thinking about telling you something I thought it was appropriate to say but its kind of a surprise.

Dash: Oh really? What is it?

Leilani: It's something you always wanted.

Dash: What is it?

Leilani: Well, we're going to have a child in the next 8 months.


Leilani: YES!!

Dash: Oh my god! when did you find out???

Leilani: About last week.

Dash: That's great! We're gonna be parents... Oh wait shit. Are we sure we want our kids to grow up in this broken world?

Leilani: I know, it seems kind of selfish but we are at a point in our lives where its now or never. We never know which day is going to be our last and the base is a great place to raise a kid now. He or she could learn how to plant food and take care of others.

Dash: You're right. If they can make it through this... they would hopefully be very successful in the old world.

Leilani: Yeah, if it ever goes back to the way it used to be.

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