Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

When I could hear again and feel my body, I started to sob. It wasn't a quiet cry, it was a heart wrenching uncontrolled sob that could be heard from America. I felt Harry pull me into his body. No. I wont let any of them in.. again. I pushed him away. 

" Emery, please, talk to me " He sounded so - so defeated, broken. I looked up to see his eyes glazed over, he was staring at me, waiting for something. 

" Lies " I barley whispered. still crying. 

" What are lies " He also whispered coming closer to me. 

" Everything! " I screamed at him, not caring about the by passers. He looked a bit taken back, but then came back down to the situation at hand. 

" Its not though " He said putting his large hand on my lower thigh, near my knee. I shook my head, he lying, I know he is. Im a nobody. I just sat there, finally i let Harry comfort me, no i didn't believe anything he said, I know HE didn't miss me, Harry was just saying that. I don't know why, but i know he just was. After a couple minutes my sobs wear just silent tears dribbling down my face. I knew I looked horrible right now, red eyes, puffy, streaks on my pale freckled covered face. I looked up at Harry why was looking down at me. He still looked the same, same facial structure, same green eyes, and of course the same crazy mop of wild curls. Yes, I know Harry's famous, he was when we met two years ago as well, i know all of the boys, i don't regret meeting them, only HIM, the one that broke me. I sighed. 

" Does he know I'm hear " I whispered, not trussing my voice, because I had just cried all the liquid out of my body. he shook his head. 

" There in the mall though " He whispered. With that i shot up and looked at him with wide eyes, he looked surprised at my crazy actions. 

" What!? " I yelled - well tried, my voice cracked. 

" Sorry " He smirked at me. I gripped onto my hair and started to freak out, i paced back an forth. I groaned out loud sitting down by him. i covered my face throwing my face into his lap, i moved my body so that  was face first into his leg. I heard him chuckle then start to rub my back comfortably. 

" Im sure they wont find us her Em " I could here the smile in hie voice. i mumbled something i didn't even understand into my hands. Still in his legs. I heard him laugh again. Then in the middle of his laugh he was cut short. This made my heart stop. 

" HARRYYYYY!! " I heard that high pitched beautiful voice scream. By blood turned cold, i felt like i was about to throw up. Harry could sense my change, because he gripped the back of my shirt. I honestly couldn't breathe. not a breath, i felt like i was going to start to cry again, but i couldn't, i couldn't even turn to look at the face i hadn't seen in person for two years. The one that walked out on me, called me nothing. Took all I had left… 

" Whats up Lou " I heard Harry say, trying to keep his cool, making sure i didn't look up. And trust me i didn't plan to. 

" Who's that? " I heard that unmistakable Irish voice speak out. Me and Niall were close, because of our love for food, and how we alway managed to stay thin. We would always go and eat food together. 

" A close friend " He said, he sound bitter, protective…

" Then why is she in your crotch? " I heard the one and only Liam Payne snicker out. Wow, inappropriate Mr. Daddy Direction! I almost wanted to laugh, but i was frozen. 

" She fell asleep " Harry said.

" Right, and i have blonde hair " The bad-boi sniggered out, making everyone but Harry laugh. 

" Common, whats her name then, lad! " HE spoke again. Louis Tomlinson, the one that made it so i never trusted anyone, or accepted the word 'love', the one that killed me mentally. I took a deep breath, praying Harry wouldn't say the name-

" Emery " He said. yup, thats the name. i swear i heard all the boys gasp. They all 'loved me', well i used to think that why did, but Louis proved me wrong the second he walked out of my life. 

" E- Em -mer r- ry wh- what? " I heard Niall's cute little voice whisper. Please don't Harry, I cant take it. please don't i internally begged to god. 

" Gray " He said casually. 

" Bloody liar! " I heard Louis scream, my entire body tensed, i had never heard him this pissed, this angry. 

" Harry, you know thats touchy for Louis and Niall! And well - All of us! " Zayn yelled. I was still frozen. 

" Please, tell us Harry " I heard Liam Whisper trying to calm them all down. 

" I wasn't joking " Harry said casually, not fazed by them yelling. A few minutes of dead drop silence - from the boys at least. I could still hear the muffled aroma of people in the mall talking and walking by. When all of a sudden i felt my body being flipped, i closed my eyes to make it look like i was sleeping. I heard gasps from all the boys, besides Harry of course, and then the tiny little whimper/cry from my little baby Niall, i want to cry right there and open my eyes, but i felt dead, i was so broken i couldn't even move. but against my will my eyes fluttered open, and i was face to face with four shocked faces, three that i used to call my best friends, and one that used to be the only reason to live. I sat up and scooted as close as i could to Harry, i felt insecure, and scared, i wasn't welcomed here, I'm a nobody. 

" Emery! " Niall cried out and came tumbling into my arms, i could feel his cold tears hitting my shoulder. His entire body shook as he sobbed. I couldn't take it. I broke down and pulled him into me, we both sobbed and sobbed into each other. I never realized how much I had missed this little Irish boy. And now i almost felt complete with him sobbing into me. After a couple minutes. We pulled apart, and looked into each others eyes. His were a soft blue because his red puffy eyes made them pop more than usual. I was so happy to see him, we gave each other a sad smile. 

" I missed you so much Em! " He said giving me a wet kiss on my cheek. I let out a very soft chuckle. 

" You to buddy " I sniffled touching his cheek sweetly. I looked up at the other boys. Louis looked like he was going to cry, his greenish blue orbs were glazed with the salty tears that wanted to pour out. we caught each others gaze and eyes locked. I couldn't look away. We stared and i felt all the memories keep flashing back, until they stopped at the night he walked away. The end of summer. Liam stepped forward and held his hands out, he had a couple tear lines down his face, and he had a soft/sad smile on his perfect face. I stood up and crashed my body into his. i took a deep breath taking in his daddy smell. I smiled, i felt welcomed into his arms. I stepped away. Looking into his brown eyes, similar to mine. 

" Still have that freckle i see " He said examining my eyes. I shyly nodded. We separated and I peeked around to see my bad boi, he grinned at me and opened his arms like Liam had done. I giggled and walked into his arms, immediately being developed by his arms. I breathed in the smell of cigarettes and man-fume. Speaking of cigs, i need one, stress was biting me to the bone. We pulled away and his dark brown eyes grinned at me. 

" Hows my little Emery " He teased. 

" Im like, an inch shorter than you " I scoffed poking him in the chest. After a couple minutes I sat back down next to Niall and Harry, and yes I DID pass by Louis, he shouldn't feel hurt though, I'm nothing to him, I'm just a girl, i was just his own little entertainment, I was a little toy, I was fake. 

" Why did you leave us Em " Niall asked me softly. I looked over at him, he looked to scared, like i was going to walk out again, never come back. Now, i know what your thinking, what the hell happened? well, the whole story will come together piece by piece, but for know, just know, only me, Louis, Harry and Bree know what happened. I don't know why he didn't tell them, or what he did tell them… 

" I just had to " I whispered looking away from him eyes. He knew I was lying, I cant look at people in the eyes when I lie. Thats how you know. 

" Your lying, you wont look me in the eyes " He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

" Lets go somewhere then " I said. I took out my phone telling Bree I would meet her at home later. She said 'okay'. I walked out of the mall, with my ex best-friends, ex boyfriend, and yeah, One Direction... 

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