Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

I hummed to myself as I walked around Holliser. I had four pairs of shorts and a couple cute summer tops in my arms. I walked over to the wall with tons of sandals and flip-flop. I stopped humming and grabbed for a black, white and dark brown pair. 

" Em! " I heard Bree holler. I sighed rolling my eyes. I walked over to her, she was holding two pairs of shorts up. A bright blue pair and a casual white pair. 

" Which one! " She wined at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and replied,

" Get both " She smiled at me and nodded. 

" Thanks babe " She said winking at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. I continued to the check out. Being the clumsy person I am, on my way there I ran full force into another body. I yelped as my butt made contact with the floor. I groaned standing up looking at the person I had rudely collided with. All of my clothes were wildly scattered around the dark stores floor. I internally groaned. I heard the person shift on the floor. I wabbled over with my pained butt and held my hand out the the person. With all my force I helped them get to their feet. I came face to face with the person I'd knocked down. I felt my heart stop, my body went cold. Its him, well not him, but one of his friends. I prayed to god that it was to dark for him to see me. 

" I -I am s-so sorry " I whispered looking at the ground. 

" Its all okay love, we both weren't paying any attention " He chuckled. I peaked up at him, his peircing green eyes made me want to run as fast as I could, I wanted to get away and hide, to never come out again. He was staring at me quite intently. Almost studying all my features. I shifted uncomfortably. 

" Have we met before? " He asked moving his head to try to look into my eyes. I shook my head almost to fast. 

" Um - I don't - Don't think we have " I nervously chuckled bending down to the floor, starting to pick up my clothes that I had dropped earlier. He bent down and started to help me. 

" Well, Im Harry " He said looking at me again. I looked every where but his eyes and nodded. After a couple minutes of uncomfortable silence, I stood up with my clothes, and grabbed two shirts and three pairs of shorts from Harry's hands. I whispered a quick thank you and gave him a small smile, avoiding his eyes at all costs. He was about to speak but I took off dodging all of the racks and shelves of clothes, maneuvering through the dark store. My heart rate went back down as I neared the cashier. I placed all my clothes down smiling at the lady behind the cash register. I tapped my foot impatiently, well more anxiously than anything. I wanted to get out of here and run home then cry my eyes out. I glanced behind me to see Harry holding a couple of clothes. He was still staring at me. I payed for my things then went straight for the exit. But right when i was about to step out, I heard someone call out 'hey'. I looked over to see Harry,

" I never did get your name, love " He yelled out. I looked down. and thought for a second, should I tell him? He had nothing to do with HIM, nothing to do with my first love breaking all hope I had left in me. So, I smiled to myself and looked back up. 

" Emery Gray " I yelled back. I looked at him to see his entire face change. I could see the look of recognition flash across his features. He was about to say something again, but I quickly walked out into the bright mall lights. 

" There you are Em! Took you long enough! " She grinned. I smiled a genuine smile at her and said,

" Sorry, I ran into some old memory " I said grinning madly at the ground. I looked up to see a very confused Bree. I just shook my head giggling. 

" Lets go Bree-Bree " I said winking and linking my arm with hers. 


" This is so good " I moaned as the cold sweet ice cream melted on my tongue. I heard a muffled sound come from Bree, guessing it was to agree. I just giggled at her. We were still in the mall, I was trying to avoid Harry, I had yet to see him though, since the incident in Hollister. I happily kept licking my ice cream. Bree eyed me suspiciously. I looked her and cocked an eyebrow. 

" What? " I asked grinning. 

" Why are you in a good mood all of a sudden? " She questioned me. " Ever since you came out of Hollister, you've been all… weird " She whispered the 'weird' part. I just laughed and shook my head. 

" I'm just happy its summer! " I smiled at her. She started to choke on her ice cream. when she finally recuperated she looked at me with wide eyes. 

" You? YOUR happy about SUMMER!? " She said with a look of disbelief on her face. She mumbled something under her breath and continued to eat her frozen treat. A few minutes later, when i was about to get up and throw my paper away someone tapped me on my back. I looked up to see Harry. My smile vanished from my face, and i could feel my body getting hot, i was nervous. I locked with his green eyes. He looked, sad and relieved and… nervous too!?

" Can i help you " I said blandly. 

" Can I talk to you - Emery… alone? " He whispered looking at Bree. I looked over at Bree too, to see her mouth dropped open, and she shut it looking pissed. Oh god- please don't Bree. I was about to say something, but it was to late. 

" What the hell do you want!? " Bree yelled at him standing up, putting her hands on her hims. Harry cocked an eye brow at her. Nope, they have never met, but this wasn't a good way to meet either. You see, ever since i told Bree everything that happened that one summer, lets just say, she threatened to hurt them if they ever dared to meet me again. I slouched embarrassedly into my seat. 

" Excuse me? Do I know you? " Harry asked looking at Bree. And boy, she was pissed. 

" Your about to wish you didn't! " She yelled at him. Harry was a bit taken back. But this was about to get bad… god, why now?

" Look chick I- " He started, but Bree quickly interrupted him. 

" My name is NOT chick! Its Bree! " She screeched at him. 

" Okay - Well BREE, I just want to talk to Emery " Harry said pointing at me. 

" And what makes you think she wants to talk to your stupid ass? " she asked giving him 'Bree sass'. He looked at me with an expression that was like 'help me'. I rolled my eyes. 

" Bree, chill. Ill be right back ok " I said giving her a 'calm down now, your making a scene' look. She scoffed slumping back into her chair muttering 'whatever', picking up her ice cream licking it angrily. I stood up and walked out with Harry. We walked for a couple of minutes until he sat on a bench in the back of the mall where there were barley and people passing. He patted a spot next to him. But instead of sitting next to him, I sat at the other end of the bench. He sighed. After a couple of minutes Harry looked at me, 

" He misses you " He said going from looking into my eyes, to looking at his fingers. And with that sentence, I could feel my face go hot, my body went numb, I couldn't hear anything. Lies. Lies. Lies. More lies. Thats all I was, a lie. He couldn't, he cant, he would never miss me. He even told me, everything was a lie. So how could he miss me? Im nothing…

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