Chapter Four

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Hey guys(: Im sorry that the chapters are so short right now, but i pinky promise that they will get longer as the story goes on! Thanks youuuu <3 Xx


Chapter Four: 

I shifted on the couch awkwardly looking at the five faces that were fixed on mine. 

" So " Niall drifted off, trying to release the award air. I took a deep breath in. 

" Well, what do you guys want to know? " I asked looking at everyone but Louis. 

" Why did you go " Liam asked. 

" Louis never told you guys. Did he? " I whispered looking over at Louis, who had guilt written across his features. Why would he feel guilty? He shouldn't, he doesn't, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Yeah, thats what it is. All the boys except Harry looked over at him, waiting for an answer. 

" Louis? " Zayn said his name like a question, urging him to continue. Louis looked at me, we locked eyes. We looked away from each other and he looked at the boys who were waiting patiently. 

" I don't want to talk about it guys " Louis spoke out. I cocked my eyebrow. Why? Why wouldn't he want to talk about it. For some reason this made me angry, his friends had every right to know why i left. I stood up quickly, making all the boys face me. 

" Why not Louis! " I questioned loudly, this was the first time i had talked to Louis in two years. It felt good, i was going to get this out. He stood up. 

" Because. Now sit down Emery " Louis growled at me. Ha! He thinks he can tell me what to do. Um, how bout no!?

" Excuse me, but you cant tell me what to do! " I laughed angrily at him. He furrowed his eyebrows angrily. The boys started to shift uncomfortably. 

" What? " He dared me. 

" You. Cant. Tell. Me. What. To. DO! " I paused between each word. I was sooo near blowing up on him. I started getting closer to him. 

" Yes I can! " He screamed. Oh hell no. 

" No you cant!? What makes you think you have a freaking say on what I DO!? " I screamed back at him, trowing my arms around, trying to make a point. 

" You lost that privilege the second you walked out of my freaking life Louis! " I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I looked at him, he looked taken back. But i didn't care at all. It was quite for a while, all you could hear was my heavy breathing and my sniffles occasionally. Finally Louis looked up at me. 

" Im so sorry Emery " He whispered gazing into my tear filled eyes. I shook my head, I cant let him in again, I wont let him in again, I am nothing to him. Im a big freaking lie. 

" You bloody freaking liar " I growled at him. He shook his head stepping forward. He reached for my hand but i pulled away stepping backwards. 

" Emery " He whispered. 

" Louis. No! Im nothing to you! I was your toy, you could play with me as much as you wanted, because I believed everything you said, but now - now i will never believe you. Because you even told me the night you walked out of my life, with everything. I was fake, I was only there for your freaking entertainment! " I screamed at him, I saw him flinch. The other guys gasped. I felt so good, getting this all off my chest. He shook his head. 

" I was angry Em " He spoke softly, catching my eyes in his. 

" But why Louis, I gave you everything " I cried out. I just wanted to know, I wanted to know why. 

" Because that day, the day I walked out, management told me that I was going to be going on a tour of America. And i was angry, because I begged them to let you go with us. But they just wouldn't allow it, they just wouldn't. So I knew you wouldn't go home if i told you I still loved you. So i did the stupidest, most selfish thing, and i let you go. " He whispered coming closer to me again. But i just couldn't believe it, not one word. 

" I just cant Louis " I said, letting the warm tears drip down my face. 

" You cant what Emery? " He begged, his voice cracking as he spoke to me. 

" Trust you " I whispered looking down at my blue nails again. " Im sorry Louis " I whispered again, walking out of the living room, not taking another glance at any of the boys. I walked out of the flat and started down the cold and empty hall. I heard the door open and close again, with the pitter-patter of feet fallowing. I kept walking though until a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to be face to face with Zayn. He gave me a sad look then pulled me in for a warm hug. I wanted to cry, but i was drained. I need a cig. I pulled away from Zayn. He must of read my mind because he nodded and we headed to the roof. 


I took a deep inhale of the toxic smoke as it numbed my body. I was finally at peace with my body, for the first time to day. 

" Im sorry Em " Zayn said breaking the silence. I looked over at him. " For Louis " He spoke again looking off into the distance, at the London streets. I nodded saying " Its not your guy's fault ". He shook his head though.

" No, it is, we should of all fighted for you " He said, now looking over at me, meeting my eyes. 

" But you guys didn't know " I sighed. He nodded in agreement. He sighed in frustration. 

" I just wish Louis would of told us the truth! " He spoke out in a frustrated tone. I looked over at him again. I took and inhale and exhale of the smoke before speaking again. 

" What did he say? " I questioned, not wanting to push anything to far. 

" He told us that he woke up and you were gone. He looked so devastated and broken. So we believed him. He was crying Em. " He said looking over at me. I sighed and put out the cigarette. 

" Wow " Was all I could manage to say. " Harry knew though " I said. 

" Really? " Zayn asked looking over at me cocking his bushy black eyebrow. I nodded at him. " Im not surprised " He said putting out his cigarette next to mine. To be honest, Zayn was right, Im not surprised either, they were like secret brothers, they told each other everything. Maybe I should talk to Harry about Louis. After a few minutes of a peaceful and nice silence Zayn and I decided to go back into there flat. When we walked in Niall was the first to come to me and squeeze me into a hug. I laughed and hugged him back. Man I missed these boys. Well, four of them at least. 

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