And Yours Are Too

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Yippee. Part 2 to the previous post, title once again from the song "The Red Means I Love You" by Madds Buckley

TWs: Freminet straight up ignores his hunger and then starts talking about how hungry he is the entire chapter. Also he talks a lot about blood and killing people and biting people. As expected of a vampire.


Freminet didn't mean to neglect his needs, honest!

He was just reallly focused on fixing this poor penguin toy — it was so badly destroyed that its eyes couldn't even glow, and then he noticed that he was hungry.

It wasn't that bad yet, so he decided to keep working, because he did want to do a little bit more work on the poor penguin toy.

And then he kept working, pretty easily ignoring it when his mind began nagging at him to feed.

He didn't even notice it was all that bad until he glimpsed himself in the reflective glass on the penguin's eyes and realized that his cheeks were particularly devoid of any color.

Ah. Whoops. How long has he been in his workshop? And how long has it been since he last properly fed himself...

He hums as he places the toy penguin down on its stomach, picking up one of the many pocket watches around his workshop to check the time.

It was around 15:30, and the last time Freminet fed off of someone would have been... at least two entire days ago, longer than he usually goes without feeding.

So in other words, he's been in here for 7 hours, and its likely been well over 48 hours since he's last fed.

He sighs, he'll have to pause his work and go check one of the names off his assignment list. He was kind of hoping to finish this penguin before he needed to do that.

Well, he could always—

The door swings open before Freminet could even think of finishing the thought that would certainly get Father to bite him.

He turns his head sharply when the distinct smell of human hits his nose, all the hunger he'd been ignoring hits him at once and for a moment he sees red.

He manages to contain himself though, especially once he realizes that the ones who have entered his workshop are none other than his two favorite older siblings.

Lyney still has his hand on the doorknob, and Lynette is behind him, looking slightly exasperated.

A split second after he'd reigned his bloodlust back in, he sees Lynette's pupils widen just a little bit as she crosses her arms over her chest. Did she react to him? He hopes his pupils aren't too sharp right now.

Lyney didn't seem to react to him, but he's always been pretty good about hiding himself, even around people who would never judge him.

He realizes he has let the silence drag on for a little too long and takes a breath to speak. "Doesn't my door have a warning sign on it...?" He knows it does, it's written in large black print over a yellow background: DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, it is impossible to miss.

He places the pocket watch back on his workbench, hearing the metal clink. He focuses in on that metal clinking sound and uses it to ground himself, to make sure he doesn't attack anyone.

Lyney nods. "Father sent us to tell you to meet her as soon as you can, since she has new assignments for you."

Freminet feels a spike of annoyance at the realization that Lyney didn't answer his question, but he stamps it out quickly, aware of how, when he's hungry, something as simple as annoyance can easily turn into something much more vicious.

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