Chapter 10: The Truth About Eric

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     It took a lot longer than it should have for Christian to get his ultrasound and it came as no surprise that Melanie was the one to blame. Her main focus had been on his upper body, far more concerned with the outside of it as opposed to what was going on inside. This sort of test should have been second nature to her but due to him being the patient at the moment, it wasn't. As a matter of fact, his pent up frustration caused him to snap at her a few times, especially being forced to talk her through it. One would think she was a child.

    When she implied that he hold her hand, batting her eyelashes at him with a coy smile, he snatched the wand from her and proceeded to perform the ultrasound on himself. The saying still rang true...if you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself. It was a good thing she was only a radiologist technician. She would make a lousy nurse, but her job still required accurate results and damn it, he was going to get them, even if it killed him. After closely observing the screen while running the wand over various spots of his abdomen, the results of his ultrasound concluded that there was no underlying damage. He was in the clear.

    "I'm so happy to see that you're okay, Dr. Masters!" Melanie exclaimed animatedly.

    "I bet you are," he muttered under his breath as he returned the wand to the machine. He grabbed his scrub top and sat up, pulling it on over his head. "Some advice sweetheart," he said. "You should really work on your technique. As flattering as it is, you will never get anything done nor will you please your supervisor, if you spend the entire ultrasound lusting after the patient on the exam table instead of doing your job."

    Melanie stood gaping at him, attempting to stammer a reply. "I–I'm sorry, doctor. It's just that you're so handsome and..." She stepped closer to him, sliding her hands down his chest, her voice falling to a husky tone. "Sexy."

    Seizing her wrists, he stopped her hands before they could reach his cock. Her brows shot up in surprise, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as if she actually enjoyed his forcefulness. "Stop," he commanded sharply. "This is not going to happen. I have eyes for someone else."

    Her lips formed in a pout. "Another radiologist? A nurse? Another surgeon?"

    "Something like that," he replied. Sliding off the exam table, he gave her a little push, forcing her backward a couple steps so he could get by. Grabbing his lab coat from the stool in the corner, he slipped it on, adjusting the collar as he headed for the door. "Nice try, Melanie." Before she had a chance to get another word out, he left the room.

    Stealing a glance at his wristwatch, he realized that it was already his lunch break and while he was starving, he wanted to check on Amy. Normally, he had enough faith in the nurses that they would be able to keep his patients in bed, but considering what a stubborn and more importantly, naughty girl she was shaping up to be, he had his doubts. Even if they did attempt to restrain her, he had a feeling she would still fight them. Boy oh boy, he was certainly going to have his hands full with her, wasn't he?

    Attempting to put his worries on the back burner for the time being, he decided that he would grab a bite to eat while he still had a chance.

    He opted for swinging by the Subway down the street and dining in rather than taking out. As usual, a few of his co-workers were there. There was no way he could miss the inquisitive but concerned stares he got from them, more than likely due to his black eye and busted lip. Despite that, they had enough common courtesy not to approach him and inquire as to what happened. Either way he looked at it, he knew that it was only a matter of time before word got around. When you were the chief, nearly everyone in the hospital knew your business. If there was one thing he could count on, it was that they wouldn't side with his cousin in terms of this fight. After all, at the end of the day, Eric wasn't the one signing off on their paychecks. He was.

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