Chapter 12: Once A Master, Always A Master

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Christian stopped her wheelchair at another door with a sign outside marked: CARDIO LAB 3. When he pushed the door open and wheeled her inside, her gaze instantly fell upon the treadmill against the far right wall. She scowled deeply, her shoulders slumping in defeat. This did not look like fun, but being that he was both the Dom and her doctor, she knew there wasn't a chance in hell she was getting out of it. Not now.

"Do we really have to do this, sir?" She grumbled, watching as he pressed his foot to the breaks of her chair. Her sex throbbed at the low growl he emitted as he came to stand in front of her, crossing his arms firmly over his chest. The impatience was clear on his dark handsome face.

"Amy, Amy, Amy, my dear girl...exactly how many times are we going to have this conversation?" He inquired in a deep and steely voice, the corners of his eyes twitching with vexation.

She trembled involuntarily, unsure as to how she should respond. Her shoulders slumped in defeat with a weary sigh. "I know, I'm not getting out of it. It was a stupid question."

"No, you're not and yes, it was. We are conducting this now and I am not going to hear any further complaints from you, young lady. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl. Now let's get you all hooked up, shall we?" With a snap of his fingers, he turned around and powered on the computer monitor then stepped towards a supply cart. Opening one of the drawers, he pulled out a set of round sticky probes and returned to her. "Alright, take off your gown and stand up."

She blinked, gaping up at him in astonishment. "T-Take off my gown?" Her heart increased it's rhythm as she pushed a lump down in her throat.

"Yes. Unless you'd like to propose another way for me to properly attach your leads." He looked down at her expectantly.

Not having an answer for that, she slipped the gown from her shoulders with two trembling hands, her heart beating even faster. A shiver danced down her spine as the cool air of the room suddenly hit her heated body, a blush rising up into her cheeks. She was exposing her breasts to him yet again and her nipples instantly grew erect as a result of it. Slowly and on quivering knees, she pushed herself up to her feet.

He glanced down at her feet then set a hand on her shoulder to steady her. "Take your time."

Taking her time was easy, but when she felt his gaze upon her breasts, keeping her heart steady was an effort in itself. Had they even given her any beta blockers for the day or last night for that matter? She couldn't recall the last time she had seen one being injected into her IV. Not like the nurse would tell her if she was in fact administering it. They didn't tell her shit.

Trying as she might to hold her balance and keep her arousal in check, she stared at the back wall as Christian proceeded to apply the round sticky probes all over her chest.

He stole a glance over her shoulder at the wheelchair. "Okay, your heart rate's a little elevated. Just try to relax, my dear girl. Take a few deep breaths for me."

Relax...right. Deep breaths...okay, she could do that.

She nodded and took a few deep breaths, trying not to think about his smooth strong fingers grazing her skin with each probe he attached. Doing the only thing she could to calm herself down, she attempted to make conversation with him. "So what about my car? I left it back at the college. How am I going to get home when you discharge me?"

"I can give you a ride on my lunch break, unless there's someone else you can call to pick you up."

"I could call my friend, Courtney, but if it were between you or her, I'd rather it be you." She smirked and batted her eyes coyly. "You never know, I might need a doctor on my way there."

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