Chapter 5

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Lina shifted closer, her heart heavy as she sensed the weight of whatever Ainsley was about to say.
"I've been keeping a secret," Ainsley continued, her voice trembling. "It's about my dad."
At the mention of her father, Lina's expression grew even more serious. She reached out and took Ainsley's hand, silently urging her to continue.
Ainsley bit her lip, her green eyes swimming with tears, a stark contrast to her vibrant red hair. "A few months ago... I found out where he's been." She paused, her voice barely above a whisper. "He reached out to me."
Lina's eyes widened. "What? When? How?"
Ainsley's tears finally spilled over, trailing down her pale, freckled cheeks. "It was about six months ago. I got a letter, and it was from him. He said he's been living in another city... that he's sorry for everything, for leaving us, for not being there."
Lina's heart ached as she listened. She knew how much Ainsley and her family had struggled after their father had walked away, leaving her mother to raise both Ainsley and her sister Aurora alone.
"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't know what to do," Ainsley sobbed. "I thought I'd be angry at him forever. But now that he's reached out... I don't know. I don't know how to feel."
Lina squeezed her hand tighter. "Oh, Ains..."
"I kept thinking, maybe I should tell my mom. But what if it hurts her even more? She's been trying so hard for us, and I've been carrying this secret, wondering if I should forgive him or let him back in. But I've felt so alone with it. I can't even talk to Aurora. She's too young to understand." Ainsley wiped her tears furiously. "And I hate myself for even thinking about forgiving him after everything he's done to us."
Lina leaned forward and pulled Ainsley into a tight hug, letting her cry into her shoulder. "You don't have to decide right now. You're allowed to feel confused. You've been carrying this alone for so long, but you're not alone anymore."
Ainsley nodded against her friend's shoulder, her tears flowing freely now. The overwhelming weight of the secret she had kept buried for so long finally released.
"And whatever you decide," Lina added softly, "I'll be right here with you."
Ainsley pulled back slightly, wiping her eyes. "I didn't know who else to tell. I just couldn't keep it in anymore."
Lina smiled gently, brushing a stray tear from Ainsley's cheek. "You did the right thing. We'll figure it out, okay? Together."
Ainsley nodded, her breathing beginning to steady, the feeling of isolation starting to lift just a little. She wasn't sure what the next step was, but in this moment, she felt something she hadn't felt in months relief.

The ballroom was draped in elegance, every detail meticulously arranged for the high-profile press event. Glistening chandeliers cast a golden glow over the scene as cameras flashed incessantly. The buzz in the air was electric. Reporters, bloggers, and influencers all clamored for attention, each desperate for a piece of the action, a soundbite, a photo, an exclusive.
He stood at the center of it all, wearing a custom-fitted black Armani suit that accentuated his lean, athletic frame. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone, exposing the thin silver chain around his neck, a signature piece he never took off. He looked effortlessly elegant, yet there was an edge to him—the kind of magnetic presence that made him stand out in any room, no matter how full. His black eyes were sharp, focused, taking in the sea of people vying for his attention. It was easy to see why he was the star. He owned the space with a kind of quiet authority, commanding without saying a word.
The event was in full swing, a celebration to mark the start of his latest film—a highly anticipated project to be shot in the rugged landscapes of Scotland. The announcement had drawn the biggest names in the industry, and it was clear from the excitement that this was going to be one of the biggest movies of the year. He was the headliner, and everyone knew it.
Photographers jostled for the best angle, their cameras capturing every move he made. The press shouted questions, each one hoping to catch his attention for an exclusive interview. As he paused to smile for the cameras, he exuded that effortless charm, the kind that could light up the front pages.
One reporter managed to break through the crowd, shoving a microphone toward him. "What can we expect from your upcoming role? Can you give us any hints about what's to come in Scotland?"
He smiled, the kind of smile that could melt hearts, and leaned into the microphone. "Let's just say you're going to see me like never before. Scotland's going to be the perfect backdrop for something... epic." The words were vague, but it didn't matter. The crowd ate it up, and the cameras continued to flash.
From across the room, Sereen watched with a subtle smile playing on her lips, her eyes following his every move. She was dressed impeccably, as always, in a sleek, off-the-shoulder gown that hugged her figure perfectly. Her dark hair cascaded down her back, and her posture was poised, exuding confidence and control. She radiated elegance, but beneath her calm exterior, her thoughts were spinning.
The conversation from earlier that morning was still fresh in her mind. His distant, almost dismissive attitude had stung, but she wasn't about to let it shake her. She had worked too hard, invested too much in this relationship, in their carefully curated public image. She wasn't about to let it all fall apart. Not now. Not ever.
Sereen was determined, as she always had been, to keep their names linked, their careers intertwined. It was her strategy from the start—being the glamorous, supportive girlfriend of one of the biggest stars in the world. It was a role she had perfected. No matter how distant he became, no matter how much their personal life fractured, she knew one thing for certain: the world saw them as a power couple. Their relationship was good for both their brands, and she was going to make sure it stayed that way. She would do whatever it took to maintain that image, to keep the cameras focused on them as the perfect Hollywood pair.
As she watched him from across the room, smiling for the cameras, shaking hands with executives, and charming reporters, she felt that familiar sense of pride swell in her chest. He was the star, and she was right there beside him, basking in the glow of his success. It was intoxicating, the fame, the attention, the validation that came with being part of his world. But beneath the pride, there was something else a cold, steely determination. She wasn't going to let go. Not without a fight.
The morning's conversation replayed in her mind, his words ringing with a kind of finality that had unnerved her. But here, tonight, he was the man she had always known him to be the star, the one everyone adored. And she would stay by his side, just like she always had. She would ensure that their relationship, their names, and their future stayed linked, no matter what.
With a graceful turn, Sereen glided across the room toward him, her smile bright and calculated. She greeted important guests along the way, shaking hands and making small talk, but her focus never wavered. She approached him just as his co-star—a stunning actress with a reputation for being bold made her way over to him. The actress had a twinkle in her eyes as she scanned him up and down, her admiration obvious.
"This is going to be a fun shoot," the co-star said with a playful smile, her eyes lingering on him a little too long.
Sereen watched the exchange carefully, her smile never faltering. She knew women adored him, but that was nothing new. She had seen it a thousand times before. What mattered was that she remained in control, that no one ever questioned her place by his side. And so, with the practiced ease of someone used to playing the perfect part, Sereen stepped forward, gently slipping her arm through his, a clear message to everyone in the room.
She wasn't going anywhere.

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