Chapter 5

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Ah yes! I forgot about that fucker. Vladimir Brodwick. I knew him as a child. He is the son of the daughter of Hugo Brodwick, the Chairman of the most influential and powerful criminal organization in the country, probably in the world, which I call the agents. Although Vladimir was born outside of the mafia, after the Incident that cost the life of his mother, Hugo took him in and raised him. Vladimir has always been arrogant and narcissistic, using his brain only to brag and think with his wallet. Or, I shall rather say, his grandfather's wallet. As kids, he wasn't bad, we were even friends, but after the tragedy of the Incident, our ways separated and I never heard from him, until today...

Kay's eyes grew wide, hearing that name. "How could it be Vladimir? He left for Russia after the Incident!" "That's what everyone thought, but the reality is far more different. In reality, he never left once. He returned to his grandfather and took the position of Second Chairman and Leader. Today, he is a man of great power and, probably, soon to become the Chairman." Kay chuckles sarcastically, getting up, and grabs her head, "You've got to be kidding me..." "Looks like he has been following your work for a while because all orders were from him." "Fuck!" Kay yells, punching the wall and breaking her knuckles in the process. She hisses, pissed once again, grabs a roll of bandages, and leaves the room with a crash.

Kay is sitting at the edge of the fence, through the broken spot in it. She is cracking her bones, replacing her hand properly before it heals, then fiercely wraps it in bandages. She hears footsteps in the distance approaching her, but she doesn't budge, continuing her task. The person speaks up with a sweet and gentle voice. "You still have no respect for this body of yours." Hearing this so familiar voice, Kay sighs, replying a simple, "It is you Aster." The boy sits beside her with a big smile. Aster is what can be considered a personification of a magnificent winter night. His hair is jet black, like all mercenaries, but his has a blue glow under the moonlight, and his eyes are crystal clear blue, like glass, and his skin as pale as Kay's. He tends his hand to Kay. "May I?" Kay rolls her eyes, as usual, but still gives her hand. Aster takes a deep breath and slowly blows into the injured hand, which freezes in no time. The limb is covered in a thin layer of ice, yet so hard it is almost indestructible. Kay smiles as she violently hits her hand on the edge of the cement, shattering the ice. Her hand is healed, like new. "Thanks." Aster nods in response, smiling. Both sit there, observing all movement of the HQ, enjoying the false breeze blowing in their hair. Kay, biting her lip and playing with her fingers, shyly asks, "How is your condition?" "Very good, actually. I stopped freezing everything whenever I breathed, which is great. And actually..." Kay smiles. Even though she hates to admit it, she loves talking with Aster; she loves it when he gets all excited and talks about what he loves. Yes, he is a cutie pie. How did he even become a mercenary? Aster continues talking for a while while Kay patiently listens. If it was anyone else, Kay would have already left, annoyed, but not for him. Aster is the only one for whom she would waste her endless time, by standing there and listening, with a simple smile only he gets to enjoy. As Aster goes on about how his condition has improved, Kay sighs and unconsciously adds, "At least some gets improvement. Not everyone gets this luxury." Kay takes out her pack and lights a cigarette. Aster looks at her, surprise and confusion mixed in his eyes. "The Hell, Kay? You've also improved!" "Oh really? For your info, I am as immortal as I was an hour ago, or last month, or even last year... Nothing changed for me, Aster. That's just how things are..." Kay inhales another puff from her cigarette before extinguishing it on her pants. The smoke rises, accompanied by the smell of burned leather. "Kay, you for sure are an ignorant prick!" Aster takes out a long and thick metal needle and stabs Kay in the quadriceps. Kay groans, clenching her fist and squeezing her eyes closed. Blood floods out of the stab wound. Aster, with a mischievous smile, pulls out the bloody needle, with even more blood squirting out. The wound spills blood for a few seconds before it begins to close up. The full healing process took several minutes. Still holding her leg, Kay groans, "Jeez, Aster! What was that for?" "Does it matter? You are immortal, after all!" "Yeah, but the muscle is still injured. It hurts like shit!" "You see? That's an improvement! If I were to stab you last month, not only would your muscle be healed, but you would have regenerated much faster. If it were a few years back, the injury would have healed as soon as I had removed the needle. And if it were back when the Incident happened, you wouldn't have even realized I stabbed you. Kay, you've improved more than any Mutant in this place. Yet, only you cannot see it..." Kay smiles but doesn't say a word. Aster blows on her leg to ease the pain with his frosting breath, and both enjoy the view for a little longer. At least until the Head Man summons them. The Head Man is a mutant like everyone in the Bunker, able to communicate through the mind by simply having a conversation with the person he desires to reach through his head. He's the leader of the organization protecting the victims of the Incident and controlling the coastal west side of the country, and the rival number one of Vladimir's grandfather, Hugo, the Chairman of the Tower. The Head Man is a man of power with extremely questionable tastes. His office, the fanciest room in the Bunker, is decorated with all kinds of paintings from the Rococo period, and Greek sculptures of lustful mythological tales. Kay, being the indifferent person she has always been, never cared about her boss' unfulfilled desires. But it is not Aster's case. Being summoned in that room is the equivalent of a visit to Hell for him. Before even crossing the doors, Aster is overwhelmed by extreme heat, turning his red, and he's unable to lift his gaze out of embarrassment. There were times when he was the only one called. And whenever that happened, Kay needed to be right outside, making sure he didn't lose his composure due to his uneasiness. She knows how Aster feels whenever he receives the message. His eyes drop, and his radiant smile vanishes. He becomes like an ice sculpture. Kay sighs, as she pulls Aster up, and both heavily walk towards the office. Once again, standing before these big and oppressing doors, Aster's breathing has already sped up. Kay places her hand on his shoulder, like a big sister protecting her frightened little brother, saying, "Focus on your body heat and don't let it go too high. I'll deal with the rest." Aster can only nod and helplessly follows Kay inside as she pushes the heavy doors.

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