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I shot up from my chair. The first thought that registered in my mind was gun. I had just heard a gun shot. I glanced around the book store nervously, clenching my fists at my sides. I grabbed for my phone, dialling 911 hurriedly. I had only made it to 91 before I heard the chimes above the door, signalling that someone had entered the store. I was frozen with fear. Physically unable to move as the figure stumbled forward toward me. He was clenching his sides, swaying back and forth like a reed  as he did his best to walk towards me.

I took a step back from the counter, splaying my fingers as I reached for something to defend myself with.

"Stay away from me! I'm not alone, my boss is just in the other room." That was a bold faced lie. Josie had left an hour ago because she hadn't felt well. I was all alone, completely defenceless. My hands found a rather large book behind me.  Random maniac with a gun vs. tiny human with large book.  What great odds. 

The man coughed before letting out a shaky breath, "I'm not going to hurt you." Another cough, "I need your help."

I searched his body up and down with my eyes. He was bleeding from his face, just under his hairline on his forehead and beside his left eye. He was bent awkwardly which indicated a cracked rib. His eye was blackened and his knuckles were red and raw.

I swallowed hard, "H-help with what?" I stuttered.

He laughed harshly which made him wince. He used his free hand to gesture at his badly beaten body, "With this."

I gulped. "Please leave or I'll call the police."

"No!" He tried to scream but it ended up sounding more raspy than loud. "P-please don't call the police. If you do, they'll know and they'll kill me."

His words sent a chill down my spine. "Who will kill you?"

He coughed again, "They will." He placed his free hand on a book shelf to steady himself, "I'll leave, just promise me you won't call the cops."

I shifted my weight on my feet nervously, my phone still in my hand. When I didn't respond, he turned himself around and began walking back towards the door. I sighed in relief before he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"Oh my god." I muttered to myself. What do I do now? He was literally two steps from being out the door. I looked down at my phone again, temped to press 1 and complete the call. He was so adamant that I didn't call the police. He seemed so scared.

I put the phone back on the counter with shaky hands. The man's chest rose and fell at a steady pace which meant he wasn't dead. I pushed him slightly out of the way and closed the door, locking the deadbolt and flipping the sign on the door to 'closed.' I contemplated moving his body but he looked heavy. He wasn't an overweight guy by any stretch but he looked muscular. I am 5 foot 2 inches of nothing. I mentally cursed my short mother for the short genes. Pulling his arms above his unconscious body, I moved him as gently as I could from the front hallway of the bookstore to the room at the side. I figured this room was safer, it had curtains that I could close so that no one would see us from the street. Whoever did this could be looking for him.

I went into the back room of the bookstore to grab the firstaid kit and a damp cloth to clean the blood from his face. I crouched beside his head, examining his face. After the blood from his face was gone, I could see that he was actually quite attractive, for an unconscious guy. I sealed the cuts on his face with a few butterfly bandages after I disinfected them with alcohol. Maybe it's a good thing he is unconscious, because that would have hurt. I examined his face, checking over my work. I hadn't noticed before but he had a few scars on his face. Some were little but there was one that stood out. It was a jagged pink line that went from the corner of his forehead and disappeared into his hair. It wasn't super noticeable, I doubt anyone would notice it if they weren't looking as close as I was.

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