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"Okay, okay, okay, so maybe it's a party. Whats wrong with that though? You need a little fun in your life." Emerson said pleadingly to me.

I laughed to spite myself, "I don't do parties."

She narrowed her eyes, "That's exactly my point. You're 17. It's time to live a little. Maybe even get drunk. Who knows."

This time it was Piper who laughed, "Yeah, Ivey's going to get drunk. Okay. That's not going to happen."

I felt my eyebrows knit together, "What do you mean?"

Her eyes met mine, "You're just not the drinking type."

"Oh yeah? Well how about this, I'll come. Pick me up at 8." As soon as the words left my mouth I realized that Piper was just provoking me so that I'd say yes. Sly.

I turned back around in my desk and waited for the bell to ring.

"Okay class, remember to spend this weekend preparing for your test on Monday. I expect greatness from you all."

I pushed my chair into my desk, "See you tonight girls." I'd be lying if I had said I wasn't the least bit excited.

Turning on my heels too fast as I excited the classroom, I ran into a familiarly solid form.

"Jesus Poison, I know you can't get enough of me but theres just no need for violence."

Deciding to go along with Jasper's charade, I said "Believe me Jasper, you'd know if I wanted you." I ended with a sexy wink as I threw my perfectly curled hair over my shoulder. I walked away feeling extremely satisfied, so satisfied in fact that I decided to turn around and see the look on his face. His friends were all laughing historically while poor Jasper was standing there dumbfounded. Victory.

Later that day, I found myself actually excited to go to Miss Tyler's class.

I stolled in with actual confidence. Taking my seat beside Jasper and pulling out our paper for Miss Tyler to check. The bell rang and Jasper still wasn't beside me. Classic.

Not 30 seconds later we heard loud and fast footsteps, Jasper burst through the door trying to catch his breath, "I'm not late! Totally, 100% on time."

Miss Tyler smiled at him as she waved him inside. He slid down beside me in his seat with a wink.

"Okay class, so today you were supposed to have your 50 questions done. I'm hoping you all did this because today you will be presenting your findings. Now obviously we don't have time for everyone to read all of theirs so I ask that you only present 10 of your favourites. This is a casual presentation and it isn't worth many marks so please do not stress. We are going to go in alphabetical order so first up is Jasper Austin and his parter Ivey."

We took our spot at the front of the class. I noticed that every girls eyes were on Jasper. At least they wouldn't be looking at me. I looked at Jasper for him to start.

He took a deep breath but I could tell that he wasn't even a little nervous. "Okay so Ivey's a bit odd."

"Hey!" I said as I slapped him playfully on the shoulder. This just made him smile brighter.

"Her biggest fear is spiders. Who's biggest fear is spiders? They are like the size of a nickel. She loves Chinese food, she absolutely hates cupcakes. I mean hates them. She'd rather starve to death if that was the last food on earth. She was born on the 2nd of August to two loving parents." My breath caught, and for a good reason. I was more than glad that he mentioned them. "Oddly enough she had a cat named cupcake when she was 6." He scratched his chin and made it look like he was deep in though until he had this revelation, "Maybe this is where the hatred of cupcakes stems from!"

The entire class was laughing. "She thoroughly enjoys watching the news like an 80 year old at 7 am in the morning. I'm telling you guys, somethings wrong here." Even I was laughing. " And last but certainly not least, she once got her head stuck between the bars at the kids park on West drive. The fire department had to come and cut the bars and everything."

He took a bow, clearly proud of himself, "And that ladies and gentlemen, is Ivey Eunice Sutton."

"My middle name isn't Eunice."

He just shrugged his shoulders in a way that said 'I don't care'

"Alright so this is Jasper Austin." I gestured over to him. "He once had a hamster named Hammy, he really likes butter tarts o the point that if you had a butter tart and you weren't sharing it, he'd probably get violent." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jasper tip his head back laughing.

I smiled to myself before continuing, "He doesn't like to admit it but his current favourite song is What Do You Mean by Justin Bieber. Yes, the same Just Bieber that did Baby. Anyways, he has a little brother named Josh. And lastly, he sometimes watches beauty videos on youtube because they fascinate him."

I could tell he wasn't happy about me sharing that last one, pay back's a bitch.

We took our seats as the next group went.

He leaned over to whisper in my ear, his breath on my neck gave me chills. "I'll have to admit Poison, you're actually quite funny."

We listened to the last of the presentations before Miss Tyler stood before the class and informed us of the nest step in our project.

"The next part of this assignment is to do something that the other person enjoys. This could be anything, running, music, even Netflix. You have until next Friday to have done this."

I wrote it down in my planer. "What are you doing tonight?" Jasper asked, interrupting my panning.

"I'm actually going to Liam's party."

"Yeah right."

I gave him a quizzical look, "No, I'm really going."

"Actually? Why would you want to go there? I didn't think you partied."

"I don't, this will be a one time thing. I promised my friends I'd be there."

He laughed, "Yeah, thats what I said in 9th grade and look at me now.  Ill see you tonight Poison." 

Right.  Liam was his friend.  Of course he would be there. 

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