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The bell rang loudly, signifying that I had only 10 minutes to get all of the way to the other side of the school for English class. 

"Ivey! Wait up!" 

Annoyed, I turned around.  I immediately felt guilty. I plastered a fake smile only face, "Hi piper."

"I haven't seen you all morning. We must've missed you in the caf earlier. What classes do you have?"

I handed her my time table to look over.

She smiled and handed it back to me. "We have Social Sciences, Law, and Advanced functions."

"Sweet! I guess I'll see you in Functions then."

She walked off in the other direction, "See you then!" 

I was 7 feet from the door to my English class when the bell rang.  I quickly walked into the classroom, hoping Mr. Reynolds hadn't noticed me. 

He stepped in front of me, blocking my path. "Not so fast Miss..." He gestured at me for my name.


"Right, well Miss Sutton, we do not tolerate lates here at North Ridge.  There is absolutely no excuse for tardiness."

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again."

"I will see to it that it doesn't.  I would like you to head to the office to get a late slip and I will be calling your parents later this evening.  You may want to make them aware of this when you return home from school."

When he said the word 'parents' some people quietly gasped out of shock.  Others looked between him and I with wide eyes.  I myself felt tears prick my eyes and threaten to fall.  I felt like I had just been stabbed in the stomach.  

I swallowed hard, "Yes sir." I turned and walked out of the classroom. 

"Mr. Reynolds may I please use the washroom?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Absolutely not, the class has just begun."

"But sir I really need to go to the washroom.  You know, girl problems?" She said hopefully.

I heard Mr. Reynolds grumble awkwardly at the mention of female problems.

Emerson ran out into the hallway and dragged me into the nearest bathroom which was right across the hall. 

"Girl problems?  Really? Thats the best you could do?" 

"Oh come on, I had to come up with something." She laughed and then she got serious. "Listen, I know that it's hard having people stare at you and having them feel sorry for you.  Piper and I are here for you and if you need me to kick mister pompous old teachers ass, I will."

I'd pay to see that.  "I know you guys are, and I really appreciate it."

"Okay now you go get that lovely pink slip of paper and come back to class."

"Will do, try not to get any detentions until I get back."

She smirked at the mention of a detention.  By some miracle she'd only received 4 detentions in her high school career though even she would admit that she deserved many more.   She started to giggle as she recalled her most recent detention.  Our last years math teacher, Mr. Thatcher, was a real jerk.  He constantly dismissed our questions and concerns in the class and because of that we received poor marks. After asking him for an adjustment, he basically told us that it wasn't his fault we weren't smart enough to receive a high grade. So, Emerson, being the kind of girl who doesn't take shit from anyone, took a pair of red lacy panties and covertly threw them on the floor near his desk during class.  She then loudly exclaimed 'ew Mr. Thatcher, getting some school booty last night?' as she motioned to the panties. Needless to say, Mr. Thatcher was none too pleased.  "No promises," she winked, walking back to class.

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