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I stood in front of the mirror, taking in my appearance.  It was still warm out so I decided to wear a black shortie romper with lace detail.  I paired it with a pair of black booties and long gold chain necklaces and gold rings.  I curled my brown hair  loosely and applied more makeup than I had worn in a long time.  I slipped my phone in my pocket and went downstairs.  

"Oh my goodness Ivey you look stunning sweetheart."  My Aunt El beamed from across the room.  

"I think I'd feel more comfortable if you wore sweatpants and an oversized hoodie but this will have to do." My uncle said, slightly uncomfortable.  

My aunt playfully hit him on the shoulder, "She looks marvellous.  Do you have any cash on you Ives?"

"No, I don't need any.  I'm just going to a party."

"Nonsense.  A girl should always have money, just in case." She said as she handed me a 20. 

The door bell rang, "Thanks guys, I'll be home around 11."

"Tell you what, how about you come home before 2?"

"Really?  Okay thanks, gotta go."  I hugged them both before going out to meet my friends in the car.

I felt that it was a little odd that they were letting me stay out so late.  It was probably because I rarely ever attend these social events.  This is their way of telling me to live a little.  I'll take it. 

Emerson made a low whistle of approval, imitating a pervy guy, "Damn girl, can I get your number?" 

"Ha ha very funny.  Let's just get going, we are already running late."

Her and Piper exchanged a weird look, "Ummm thats kind of the point."

"Yeah," Piper chimed in, "It's better to show up when the party is in full swing."

When we arrived at the party around 9 there was already someone on the front lawn vomiting in the bushes.  Liam lived out in the middle of no where and his parents were out of town for the weekend.  It was the perfect set up.  

Piper pulled the car over and we all went inside.  The music was loud and there were countless sweaty bodies swaying back and forth to the energetic beat.  I was definitely out of my comfort zone. 

"I'm so glad that you're here!" a clearly drunk Melanie Myers shouted over the music as she dragged me towards a table with red solo cups arranged in a triangle.   "Come play me and Asher!" 

Realizing I would need a partner, I scanned the room for someone who looked like there could throw a ping pong ball into a beer.  I spotted Jasper in the corner.  His eyes were glued to the door like he was looking for someone.  

I placed my hands around the mouth to make my voice louder, "Yo Jasper!" I yelled across the room to get his attention.  His eyes snapped towards me as he flashed me a grin. "How good is your aim?"

He looked confused, "I rarely pee outside of the bowl." 

"Oh my god no.  I meant for beer pong.  I need a parter." 

He smirked, "Alright, let's play."

This is the exact point in time where I had a major lapse in judgement.  As it turns out, Melanie and Asher are quite good at beer pong, and Jasper isn't half bad either.  I however, am an absolute train wreck.  I downed 5 beers in about 20 minutes which is a lot for a tiny human.  As the game ended I stumbled away from the table.  The room started to spin as my toe caught the edge of the carper.  Jasper's strong arms surrounded me before I could face plant.  He stood me up as me head still rested upon his chest.  He smelled really good.  A mix of  woodsy outdoors and laundry detergent. 

"Ivey?" He said, sounding far away.  

I forced my eyes upwards. Everything felt slower and my arms and legs felt heavier.  I had been drunk before but only once.  Emerson, Piper, and I went to a party together last year and it was my first time drinking.  Obviously, with it being my first time and all, I was a mess.  I drank way too much way too fast and I mixed hard liquor with beer.  I spent the night next to a toilet which is probably why I'm not a big fan of drinking.  This felt different though.  I felt out of control still but more aware than the last time.  This was kind of fun if I'm being honest.  

I met his concerned gaze with my very tipsy one.  "Are you okay?" he asked.

I found myself giggling.  "Yup!" I said, popping the 'p' which is definitely not something I usually do. 

He laughed at me, still holing me, as my head fell on his chest again.  After a few beats I stepped away from him and steadied myself. 

"Yo Ivey, nice to see you here tonight." A pervy voice said.  I already knew it was Zack James, hands down the grossest guy in my class.  He has a reputation for aggressively hitting on every girl in sight.  Usually he is turned down but every once and a while he is successful. He's already tired this on me once and I had a feeling that the reason he was dong it again was because of Jasper. That and the fact that he prefers to hit on drunk girls. 

I rolled my eyes as a turned around, "Hi Zack."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, "Why don't you ditch this idiot and come have  good night with me?" 

Before I could respond, Jasper's hand shot out to retrieve mine from Zack's. "Leave her alone please." He said in a shockingly polite way.  

Zack's face turned red, a mixture of embarrassment and rage. "Get your hands off me or I swear to god I'll kick your ass." Zack's promise would be impossible as there was absolutely no way he would win against Jasper in a fight.  I wasn't sure who would win against him. 

Jasper didn't even dignify Zack's proclamation with a response.  He opened his hand for me to place mine in.  I slipped my hand into his and we began to walk away.  

"Hey!" Zack yelled at us from across the room, "I'm not done with you!"

We turned around to face him just as Asher and Liam stepped towards him.  

"Hey buddy, just to let you know, its most certainly in your best interest to be 'done' with him and to just walk away." Liam advised. 

Zack opened his mouth to speak but Asher interrupted him.  "You see, this guy here will without a doubt kick your ass as soon as you lay a finger on him.  We don't want to see your face any uglier and we definitely don't want to get blood on this carpet so I'd walk away if I were you."

The group of people who began to watch said 'ouhhh' in response to Asher's advice.  

One of Zack's friends grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.  "That's Jasper Austin man."   Understanding crossed Zack's face as he backed away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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