Chapter One:The beginning of a new.. relationship? (Aventurine and Siren)

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Aventurine Pov

Another day, another business.

When life gives you lemon, you take it and make lemonades. Even when all the shit that has happened, it doesn't mean you can't profit from it. After all, life is all about a big gamble and you either win big or lose.

It's not a bad time to ponder about it, after a quick clean up just somewhere on the alley of New York. It's night time after all, and despite New York business from morning to night, there is occurance in which an alley can be empty like in this one.

It was just another day another competitor trying to assassinate me; alas, they don't know how much preparation I have made to defend against such a plot. Of course, being the luckiest so far and literally a CEO of a company in New York tends to make me need to watch my back.

"Man, it cannot get worse than this huh," A wicked smile appears on my face, as the silencer gun finishes its job and now a crew of him takes care of the body quickly. "You know, the whole cleaning up."

"You said that, but you're the one who predicted they'll be here on this spot, bastard." His 'crew' answered, being his right hand who he has known for about 5 years in this sinful city.

"It's not my fault that I'm so irresistible," I answer halfway, pausing for a moment before giving soft chuckles as I put my hands into my pocket. "But it's not so easy to being me, you know, Aventurine the CEO of Golden Gateway Company."

My answer is straight to the point and filled with pride; how can I not, I am who I am thanks to how I showed myself to my opponents and to my 'friends' in this city.

"Anyway, I should get some drinks for tonight. You can go home after the clean up, Robert." I waved at him, smiling after delivering 'cleaning' fees on my latest iPhone I just bought yesterday. It's expensive for sure, and it works like any phone with only marginally few upgrades, but this is simply to deliver the message.

That he is rich and he knows it.

Robert, aka the cleaning crew, simply sighed as he focused on his clean up. Meanwhile, I need to get some drinks and snacks.

Oh how delightful it is, that on this particular night, things won't be so boring.

Siren Pov

It was already night. But ..I was so engrossed that I haven't even noticed it. My fingers glide through the keyboard of the laptop flawlessly.

My eyes glue to the screen for hours. But she is getting tired now. After entering the final code..I  finally slapped my laptop close and sighed in relief. It took sometimes to breakdown the big company firewall without triggering the alarm ..but I did anyway~  because I'm a genius with the IQ above 150.

Information is power, to survive in this rotten world .. you need every information that exists,.. including your friends,your foes and so on.

With a satisfied smile, I finally sat back behind the barista counter.

" Already done miss Siren? "

Said one of my workers.

I gave them a small nod. Humming, softly in content. As always the cafe was doing just well. I opened this cafe about two years ago, as my base to do my work while disguising my real occupation. The cafe was only medium size, there were 10 tables , a large aquarium in the middle of the cafe with a tree right in the middle of it. To give it a unique cost me a fortune to maintain that shit-

Looking at the clock, it was already 9pm. Half of the tables were still occupied by people. As expected from New Yorkers. But means more money for me~


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