Chapter 1 (Toxic love)

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(Normal pov)

In the twisted underworld of Hell, Alastor, the Radio Demon, had always been a force to be reckoned with. His charming smile and eloquent speech masked a darkness few dared to explore. Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell, was one of the few who found Alastor intriguing rather than threatening. His power, his charisma—there was something magnetic about him that Lucifer couldn't ignore.

It began innocently enough. Alastor, always cunning, made his way into Lucifer's inner circle, weaving charm and intellect into every conversation. They spent time together, laughing at the madness around them, playing games with the damned souls of Hell. Their bond grew, and soon enough, Alastor found himself standing side by side with the ruler of Hell himself.

Lucifer, though never one to trust lightly, found himself drawn to Alastor in a way that surpassed mere camaraderie. They shared the same sadistic humor, the same disdain for weakness, and an unspoken understanding of the infernal realm. Eventually, what began as mutual respect deepened into something more. Lucifer, despite his calculating nature, allowed Alastor into his heart.

Their relationship was a spectacle, the King of Hell and the infamous Radio Demon—a match that seemed perfect to outsiders. But behind closed doors, the reality was far from the picture of perfect harmony.

Alastor, beneath his ever-smiling facade, harbored a deep need for control. The allure of being close to Lucifer, of having influence over the King of Hell himself, was a temptation too great for his twisted mind to resist. At first, his manipulations were subtle—insistent suggestions disguised as care, cruel words cloaked in jest. Lucifer, proud and perceptive, didn't notice at first. After all, who could manipulate him, the Prince of Pride?

But over time, Alastor's mask began to slip. What started as playful teasing grew sharper, more vicious. Alastor would belittle Lucifer's decisions in private, undermining his authority in ways that chipped at the demon king's confidence. He would grow possessive, demanding Lucifer's time and attention while pushing others away.

Lucifer, in his arrogance, believed he could handle it. He believed he could control Alastor's growing darkness, that he could turn the tides. But Alastor wasn't just manipulating—he was escalating. His words turned to physical displays of dominance. At first, it was a shove here, a rough grab there—brushed off by Lucifer as the Radio Demon testing boundaries. But the violence increased.

One night, after a particularly heated argument over a trivial matter, Alastor struck Lucifer across the face. The room fell silent. Lucifer, shocked, stood frozen for a moment, disbelief washing over him. Alastor's grin never wavered.

"You dare?" Lucifer's voice was low, dangerous. But Alastor simply chuckled, stepping closer.

"Come now, Lucy," Alastor cooed, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "Don't act surprised. You like a bit of fire in your relationships, don't you?"

Lucifer's pride told him to strike back, to obliterate Alastor where he stood. But something held him back—a deep, unspoken fear that had begun to fester. Alastor had wormed his way so deeply into Lucifer's psyche that even the King of Hell hesitated. And that hesitation was all Alastor needed.

From that point on, the abuse became frequent. Alastor's charm and sweet talk would always follow the violence, luring Lucifer back into a false sense of security. It was a vicious cycle—Alastor would tear him down, only to build him back up with promises of love and loyalty.

Lucifer, the once-proud ruler of Hell, found himself ensnared in a web of psychological and physical torment. He couldn't understand how he, of all beings, had fallen into this trap. Every part of him wanted to break free, to cast Alastor aside, but he was too entangled in the Radio Demon's manipulative grasp.

The citizens of Hell whispered about the tension between their King and Alastor, though none dared to interfere. Alastor's reputation as a sadist was well known, but to see Lucifer—a being of immense power—brought low in such a way was both shocking and terrifying.

In the privacy of his throne room, Lucifer would look into the mirror, wondering how he had allowed himself to become so vulnerable. His pride had been shattered, replaced by a mix of anger and despair. Every encounter with Alastor left new scars, both visible and hidden deep within his soul.

And Alastor? He reveled in his control. His grin never faded, his delight in tormenting Lucifer growing with every passing day. He saw Lucifer's weakness as his greatest victory, a testament to his own superiority. No matter how many times Lucifer fought back, no matter how many times he tried to reassert his dominance, Alastor would always find a way to break him down again.

In the end, Hell itself seemed to grow darker, colder. The power dynamic that had once made them an unstoppable force became the very thing that tore them apart. Lucifer, the once-mighty ruler, was now a shadow of his former self, bound by fear and the twisted love of the Radio Demon.

Yet Alastor...He never stopped smiling.

End of chapter

I know it's not long but i will be updating frequently  :)

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