Chapter 19 (Radio)

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(Normal pov)

Years had passed since Lucifer had reclaimed his throne and his power, rising once again to his rightful place as the ruler of Hell. His confidence had returned, his presence commanding respect as it once had. Even his wings—once torn from him in a brutal act of cruelty—had regrown, a symbol of his recovery and resurgence. The castle, once the backdrop of his torment, had become his home again, filled with life, command, and the stability he had longed for. To the rest of Hell, it seemed as though Lucifer had fully restored himself, erasing the shadow of the Radio Demon from his life.

But there were some things that even time couldn't fully erase.

Alastor had disappeared without a trace, and while the rest of Hell had moved on, Lucifer occasionally still felt the lingering presence of the demon who had once controlled his every breath. Despite all his strength, all his power, there were moments when the ghost of Alastor seemed to flicker in the corners of his mind, just out of sight, but never truly gone. Yet, as the years stretched on, those moments became fewer and farther between.

Until one day, without warning, something changed.

It started subtly at first. The radio broadcasts, long quiet and forgotten, began to crackle back to life. At first, it was just static—a faint, broken hum that could be heard in the distance, barely noticeable in the chaos of Hell. But as days passed, the sound became clearer, more defined. It was unmistakable to anyone who had lived through the era of Alastor's reign, the voice, the cadence, the eerie charm that laced every word.

And then came the screams.

They echoed through the airwaves, bleeding through the static, faint at first but growing louder with each passing day. The haunting cries were familiar, filled with terror and anguish, the kind that Alastor had always thrived on. It was as though the horrors of the past were being broadcast to Hell once again, relayed across the infernal realms through every radio, every speaker, every crackling signal.

Hell had not heard screams like these for seven years, not since Alastor had disappeared. It was unmistakable—the Radio Demon was back.

Lucifer first noticed it in his throne room, where one of the servants had been listening to a broadcast. The static crackled, followed by that chilling voice. A shiver ran down Lucifer's spine, something he hadn't felt in years. At first, he thought it was a mistake, some lingering echo of the past that had somehow resurfaced. But as the days went by, it became clear, this wasn't a memory. It was real. Alastor had returned.

The kingdom was abuzz with rumors. Demons across Hell whispered to each other in fear and excitement, wondering if the infamous Radio Demon had truly come back from the dead. Some rejoiced, eager for the chaos that would inevitably follow. Others trembled in terror, remembering the horrors he had wrought before his disappearance. And yet, amidst all the speculation, there was only one who knew the truth deep down—Lucifer.

The screams over the radio, the eerie laughter that sometimes followed, sent a wave of dread coursing through Lucifer. It brought back memories he had long fought to suppress—the years of abuse, the torment, the helplessness. Alastor was back, and with his return, so too came the terror that had once gripped Hell.

But Lucifer was no longer the broken, cowering figure he had been all those years ago. He had rebuilt himself, regained his wings, his power, and his kingdom. He was the ruler of Hell, and he would not let Alastor reclaim the place he had left behind.

Still, as the radio broadcasts grew more frequent, Lucifer couldn't shake the growing sense of foreboding that crept into his mind. Alastor hadn't returned for just anyone. The Radio Demon had always been methodical, and if he was back, it meant only one thing—he was coming for Lucifer.

The realization struck Lucifer hard. This wasn't just about reclaiming a throne or power. Alastor had never cared for that in the traditional sense. No, this was personal. Alastor wanted Lucifer. He had always wanted him, in his own twisted way. And now, after years of lurking in the shadows, watching from afar, Alastor was ready to make his presence known again.

As Lucifer sat in his throne, listening to the faint sound of the radio crackling with screams in the distance, he knew that the confrontation he had always feared was inevitable. Alastor was coming. But this time, things would be different.

Lucifer wasn't the broken demon he had once been. He had his power, his wings, and his confidence restored. He had ruled Hell with strength, had reclaimed his title, and had the support of those who followed him. This time, he wouldn't be a victim. He wouldn't let Alastor take control again.

But even as he steeled himself for the inevitable, Lucifer couldn't shake the dread that had settled deep in his bones. He knew Alastor better than anyone—he knew the lengths to which the Radio Demon would go to get what he wanted. And after seven years of waiting, there was no telling what Alastor was capable of now.

Lucifer stood, his wings unfurling behind him as he prepared himself for what was to come. The screams on the radio grew louder, more frequent, echoing through Hell like a dark omen. The Radio Demon was back, and Hell itself was about to be plunged into chaos once again.

But this time, Lucifer wouldn't run. He would face Alastor head-on, no matter what it took. The years of fear and torment were over. Now, it was time to end this, once and for all.

End of chapter

Next chapter: Tomorrow 12am

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